Chapter 05: Birthday surprise

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3rd POV
Bella did wind up grounded for the whole school year as her harassment with the Cullens led to a restraining order after Edward and Maggie returned.

March eventually turned into September as summer passed. Kira and Eira worked part time during the summer at the diner with their mom as the tourists rush flowed in. Bella spend her first day of summer at La Push First beach before getting banned from La Push entirely. Bella tried to stay at home but Charlie signed her up for online school for the summer as she'd only been in Forks for three months and she was already failing.

The school would allow her to go to senior year, but if she failed then Bella would have to restart all the way back to 1st grade.

Now it was September and school had been in for a couple weeks. Today was Bella's 18th birthday and she decided to skip after driving herself out of the house.

 Today was Bella's 18th birthday and she decided to skip after driving herself out of the house

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The twins looked for her at lunch before sitting down with their friends and eating. Both girls had a bad feeling about Bella's absence.

 Both girls had a bad feeling about Bella's absence

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~~~timeskip~~~The twins were correct because when everyone got home (Charlie got off early after getting a call from the school that Bella was absent) they found a red faced Bella sitting in the living room with her arms crossed

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The twins were correct because when everyone got home (Charlie got off early after getting a call from the school that Bella was absent) they found a red faced Bella sitting in the living room with her arms crossed. Bella glared hatefully at all of them while the three females looked uncomfortable as the only one to match her anger was Charlie. Charlie walked away from the three women who quickly walked over to the kitchen to start on dinner and homework.

Unfortunately the conversation didn't escape their ears.

"Where the hell have you been all day young lady?!The school called and said that you were absent all day!" Charlie roared to which Bella responded "It's my birthday!" "Okay, and? We had planned to take you out to dinner in Port Angeles, but since you weren't in school where you were supposed to be we have to cancel since we don't reward bad behavior in this house!" Charlie snapped back, making the girls wince as their mother chewed on her lower lip. Charlie's never been this mad before.....

"I'm 18 Charlie!" Bella yelled "So?! While you live under my roof you'll obey my rules! Your job is to go to school so you can graduate and go to college! Just because you're 18 doesn't mean you're a mature adult!" Charlie yelled back "You're not listening!" "To what?! Explain yourself right now Isabella Marie!" "I was supposed to get my inheritance today!"

Silence rang throughout the entire house.

"What?" Charlie asked in disbelief "I was supposed to get my inheritance from Grandma and Grandpa Swan! I went to the bank and they said that they couldn't give me a penny because I was black listed from the account! Where the hell is my money Charlie?! Did you spend it on her and her little rats?!" Bella demanded "Bella you haven't been a part of my mother's Will since you were three years old!" Charlie snapped "W-what?" "Mom wrote you out after Renee and I divorced! Kira and Eira are the sole inheritors of everything! Every penny belongs to them!"

Bella suddenly stormed into the kitchen and got into Cora's face "You did this didn't you!" Charlie came in and pulled Bella away from Cora while the twins rushed to their mother's side. Charlie held Bella back as she screamed and yelled "Tell Charlie the truth! You're a whore! A slut! Those little mulattos aren't Charlie's daughters! They're thieves! They stole my money and my birthrights! You already ruined my parents marriage by being a gold digging whore are you seriously going to rob me of everything I deserve?!"

Cora sobbed as her daughters held her closely. Eira apparently had enough as she did something very out of character. She pulled away from her mother and sisters side and walked up to Bella and punched her square in the face!

"Eira!" Cora said in shock while Charlie dropped Bella surprised by Eira's aggression. Bella landed on her flat ass and Eira knelt down beside her and the temperature dropped drastically making goosebumps appear on everyone as frost began to cover the window.

"Let's go for a ride Isabella" Kira said as her ice cold hands grabbed her and dragged Bella out to her truck her eyes turned white with rage and her breathe started to show from the cold

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"Let's go for a ride Isabella" Kira said as her ice cold hands grabbed her and dragged Bella out to her truck her eyes turned white with rage and her breathe started to show from the cold.

"Let's go for a ride Isabella" Kira said as her ice cold hands grabbed her and dragged Bella out to her truck her eyes turned white with rage and her breathe started to show from the cold

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"Drive to Forks hospital

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"Drive to Forks hospital. Now" Eira ordered, Bella scrambled to do as told as she was freaked out by the weather and Eira's strange behavior. It wasn't sunny today but it was warm now it was starting to snow as the temperature dropped rapidly beyond what was normal. Bella didn't notice that Eira's hands had become covered in frost and ice.

They arrived at the hospital where Eira dragged Bella inside and demanded to see Doctor Cullen immediately. Carlisle came out and saw Eira's state and rushed the two girls into a room. Eira didn't waste a minute and said "We need two DNA tests done NOW" Carlisle nodded with a thoughtful concern look before exiting the room.

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