Chapter 07: Bella's POV

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I was pacing back and forth in my room.

This can't be happening. There has to be a mistake. Eerie must've switched the papers, or paid the doctor off. It's the only logical explanation. Cora is the whore who stole Charlie from my mom, and Charlie's just too stupid to see that those mixed brats  aren't his.

I need a plan to get everything back on track. I need that money. While I know I'm sexy as hell and everyone at school is dying to bang me I need to make sure that it stays that way. I planned to get the Cullens secret to figure out how they maintained their ethereal appearance, but that dumb blonde bitch got a restraining order.Couldn't she see that I was just like them? A beautiful lonely outcast that's misunderstood by everyone including my own parents. Blondie must be trying to keep that fugly hoe with her cousin.

I stopped my pacing at the thought of my Adonis, my Narcissus, my male Aphrodite, my Edward. It was so obvious that he wanted me and not that ratty bitch, but she was keeping us apart. Everyone was keeping us apart. Charlie, his family, the whole town in fact were trying to make sure that we will never be together. We're like Romeo and Juliet, star crossed lovers.

We were made for each other, why couldn't anyone see that? I turned around and walked over to my bed and pulled out a shoe box. I opened it and saw pictures of my beloved, a lock of his hair that I managed to cut while in biology class before the teacher separated us, a few trinkets from his locker, and some socks, a shirt, and a pair of boxers from his house.

I broke in one sunny day while they were camping, and searched for his room. When I found it I took the articles of clothing, and looked around his luxurious room. I noticed that he had a love for classical music, specifically Clar De Lune. I also stole a few of his CDs and listened to the music trying to be close to my sweet, sweet Eddie. Even if the music was boring.

I reached into the box and grabbed the shirt and proceeded to smell his fading cologne. I sighed before I developed a determined look on my face.

No. I won't be separated from my soulmate. I grabbed my phone and called my mother. She picked   up after the second ring "Yes, Bella dear?" She asked sweetly "We have a problem" I said before explaining everything to her "That little bitch! She's trying to make me out to be a whore to cover her mother's tracks! Don't worry Bella darling, mommy will fix it. I've had just about enough of all these trouble makers ruining my precious daughter's life. Phil and I are coming to Forks."

I nodded before saying "Great. I'll see you soon" "Oh! I can't wait to meet your boyfriend! Edward, right? Sounds regal and rich you definitely take after me, I taught you so well!" I resisted the urge to groan before cheerily saying "You know what they say 'Like mother, like daughter'" I heard her giggle before hanging up.

I tossed my phone to the bed bed flopping down on it. Once Renee convinced Charlie to give me my inheritance, as I was his true heir not those little bastard mutts, I'd take all the money and Edward and I will run away together and live a life full of money, beauty, and sex the way it was supposed to be.

Kira, Eira, and Maggie made a big mistake crossing me. I always get what I want in the end. I grabbed Edward's boxers as I started to think about our very passionate future together.

A/N: Chapter done! Just to let you guys know this is not romantic story it's just a family drama story. Also which one sounds better Zofia or Zoelle? Nickname is Zoe. Be safe and have a wonderful day my kings, queens and non-binary royalty 🥰

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