Chapter 06: Results

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3rd POV
Carlisle ran all four different DNA tests on Eira and Bella hair, saliva, cheek cells, and blood and put a jumpstart on the results in order to appease Eira. The entire town was in danger as long as Eira was angry Carlisle treated the situation with the delicacy of a hostage situation, which if you knew everything about the Swan twins like the Cullens did, you would know that that was exactly what this was. While waiting for the results Carlisle kept the girls in separate rooms and gave Eira some chamomile tea in hopes of calming her down enough to prevent a blizzard.

It was a success.

Carlisle handed the documents to Eira and the two girls left. The drive home was silent. Bella was anxiously glancing back and forth between the windshield and Eira. 'Can you fake a DNA test? I've heard of switching documents out for forged ones, but can you fake pass it like a lie detector test?' Bella wondered as she glanced at the Manila envelope with a wax seal that rested on Eira's lap.

"You can't fake DNA tests, Bella. You can however switch out papers for fake or the labs can mess up. That's why I had three tests done to rule out clinical error and I kept the seal to prevent tampering" Eira suddenly spoke scaring the living daylights out of Bella 'What the hell?! Can she read mind?!' "No, Bella, you just have a really bad habit of saying all your private thoughts out loud" 'Oh...'

"Like with running your mouth about my mother and everyone else who doesn't fit with your with your apple pie and white Pickett fence family. That's why you were taken out of the will, Isabella, Grams hated your mother's racist, homophobic, and transphobic hatred. Grams wanted to make sure that you and her never touched a penny after you both abandoned dad" Eira said as they arrived. Before exiting the car, Eira paused and said "It's people like you, and Adolf Hitler, Winston Churchill, Ronald Reagan, and Aaron McKinney and Russell Henderson that make this world a hellhole to live in."

Eira then got out and walked inside with Bella trailing behind her. Upon entering they saw panicking trio, that were anxiously waiting in the living room for their missing forty member, who all rushed to hug Eira and check her over for injuries. When they found none they all breathed a sigh of relief, Eira then motioned them towards the kitchen and ordered them to sit down. Everyone did as told and watched as Eira broke the seal opening the envelope and scanning the first three pages of the documents.

Eira then passed said papers over to Bella "Read them. Out loud. And don't lie, I know what they say" Bella hesitantly did as told.

"Saliva test and buccal smear for Eira Snow Swan confirmed a match found in the police database belonging to a Charlie Swan" Bella then read the second paper "Hair analysis for Eira Snow Swan confirms a match found in the police database for Charlie Swan" Bella flipped to the last page and said "Blood test confirms Eira Swan is Charlie's biological daughter" Bella felt humiliated, but it was only about to get worse.

Eira pulled out the three remaining tests from the envelope and handed them over to Bella who reluctantly read them out loud "Saliva and buccal smear, hair analysis, and blood tests reveal a partial match in the police database to Charlie Swan" Bella looked around and asked "What the hell does 'partial match' mean?" Eira plucked the papers out of Bella's hands and skimmed through it and said "You share DNA with Gramp Swan but not Gram Swan, who was left in charge of the money by her late husband, meaning that you were the product of an affair between Renee and a half brother of dad."

Bella snatched the papers out of Eira's hands "That's impossible! Charlie doesn't have any brothers!" "Actually I have one. He was from a previous relationship between my dad and his ex girlfriend before he met my mother. His name is Waylon Forbes, my father never acknowledged him as his son" Charlie explained grimly making Bella's face pale further.

"Here's what's going to happen now, Isabella, you're going to call Renee and tell her that you're coming home, then you're going to buy the next plane ticket to Jacksonville and pack your things, then you're going to leave. You're never going to contact us or see us again, and you're just going to pretend that this whole year never happened" Eira said calmly.

Bella sat there in shock before running upstairs to phone her mother with humiliation in her eyes.

"You know you could've hurst someone losing control like that" Charlie commented while turning to face Eira now that Bella was out of the room "I know. I'll call Kate Denali tomorrow. I'm tired now" Eira then stood up, went upstairs to her room, and passed out on her bed.

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