Chapter 01: Isabella

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3rd POV
After Charlie received a phone call from Renee that Isabella would be moving in with him for the last two years of high school, the whole house became excited as Cora, Kira, and Eira would finally be introduced as family to Charlie's other daughter.

While Charlie worked on getting her a mode of transportation, the three women of the household redecorated Isabella's room and made space for her in the upstairs bathroom that the twins shared.

The small two story white house had three bedrooms and two bathrooms. The master bedroom was en-suite to the master bathroom downstairs while upstairs was two bedrooms with a bathroom in between them and a linen closet next to Isabella's bedroom making it smaller by a few inches, but since their were two people residing in there it made sense for them to have more space.

Since Renee refused to acknowledge Cora, Charlie had asked about Isabella's likes as Isabella hadn't spoken to her father since his engagement to Cora. He discovered that her favorite color was brown. It was difficult for the three women to come up with a design plan for brown as it wasn't a popular color for a teenage girls bedroom, but they came up with something.

 It was difficult for the three women to come up with a design plan for brown as it wasn't a popular color for a teenage girls bedroom, but they came up with something

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They used yellow, teal, and white as accent colors in hopes that it would make the room more appealing. Charlie had gotten Isabella a vintage orange Chevy truck that his godson Jacob Black had completely fixed up and rebuilt to ensure that it drove better for his godsister.

A few weeks had passed since then and today was the day that Isabella would finally be coming home. Charlie and Cora took off work early so Charlie could pick her up from the airport while Cora could start on dinner and make cookies for Isabella. Poor Cora was nervous about meeting her stepdaughter and fretted over everything until her daughters came home and soothed their mother before helping her prepare for their half sister.

They baked an assortment of cookies before cooking Arizona's state food to give Isabella a piece of her home back in Arizona. They also cleaned up the house for her arrival to make sure that everything was perfect. Sometime later Charlie's cruiser pulled up and out stepped Charlie with a anemic looking prepubescent boy with long messy reddish brown hair that mimicked seaweed holding a baby barrel cactus in his hands.

They were startled as they realized that this was Isabella. The twins exchanged looks wondering how their father, who was an attractive man, somehow reproduced that before agreeing that she must take after her mother. They knew their father loved someone for who they were on the inside not how they looked appearance wise so they shrugged it off as Renee having a charming personality.

Despite the talk around town about her being a gold digging whore that manipulated Charlie into marrying her and running away from said marriage for selfish reasons. Those were just rumors that bored nosy people spread, and the twins decided to get to know their father's ex wife and half sister before judging them.

Their mother burst out of the kitchen in a flurry and grabbed the plate of cookies and presented them at the door with an anxious expression on her face. The twins stood by their mother as they stared at the door. The door slowly unlocked before swinging open revealing their father and half sister who walked in first. Isabella scanned the house in surprise at how much it had changed since Cora's redecorating before landing on Cora and the twins.

Upon closer inspection they realized that Isabella was in fact built like a cutting board and had alabaster skin that made them concern for her health. Isabella was more toothpick like than lanky and her hair was in desperate need of a good brush, deep conditioning, and a hair mask. Isabella seemed to have a scowling look of despair that added to her overall holier than thou and dreary appearance. Then there was the matter of her taste in fashion making the twins assume that she didn't care for appearances like their father did.

 Then there was the matter of her taste in fashion making the twins assume that she didn't care for appearances like their father did

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Or maybe that was the fashion in Arizona?

Isabella suddenly sneered at the three females and said in a shrilly high pitched voice that rivaled nails on a chalkboard "You never told me that you hired help while mom was gone Charlie."

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