Fourteen | Cassius

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Almost two weeks had gone by since the dinner party, but neither Draco nor Vera had forgotten about what took place that evening in the library.

They had been trying their best to avoid each other in the common room, during class, and they forbid themselves from having to even look at each other across the table at meals, all without letting their friends in on what had taken place between them. There was no reason for Theo, Blaise, or Ella to be made aware of something that both Draco and Vera were trying to convince themselves never even happened— even if they somewhat didn't regret it.

Truth was— as much as they hated to admit it, they wanted to do it again, but it was like a mental agreement had been made that night that it would be a one-time thing... never to take place again for their own good. Besides, their families hated each other when it came to their Pureblood rivalry. Vera knew that it was dangerous getting emotionally attached to someone like Draco, and Draco knew that it was dangerous getting physically involved with someone like Vera.

At least they both had their ways to distract themselves.

Draco was beginning to use every spare second of free time that he could steal to sneak off to the seventh floor. He would spend as much time as possible in the Room of Requirement working on that damn cabinet that he was failing to repair. His father was in Azkaban, meaning that his only influences came from his mother and his aunt— and neither of them was pleased with him when he told them that he had made little progress on the vanishing cabinet.

Vera found some new ways to distract herself as well— and the boy kneeling above her now was one of them. What began as Cassius Warrington inviting her to study with him after school had led to this moment only a few hours later. Vera was well aware of his reputation. She'd heard many girls from Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw— and even a few Gryffindors talk about him... maybe she could borrow her fellow quidditch teammate and friend to fill the empty, nonexistent gap that Draco had left in her spirit ever since that night in the library.

The books they had just been studying from were still scattered across the boy's bed. They'd become forgotten in between heavy breaths, rushed kisses, and lingering hands. Vera busied herself by slipping her fingers beneath the Slytherin tie around his neck, loosening it as his lips found their way to her throat to leave light kisses that wouldn't cause any marks— something that Draco hadn't been considerate of when he got to have his chance with her.

He was a decent distraction so far— although Vera knew that he couldn't compare to the way she felt with Draco. She wouldn't deny it... Cassius was rather attractive. The only thing that pulled her interest away from him was the fact that they'd been friends since third year. He was somewhat tall with wavy, dark-blond hair. His eyes were a light shade of brown, pretty to look at.

One of his hands was slipping beneath her skirt while she began to undo the buttons on his shirt— but all movement ceased abruptly when the door to Cassius's dorm flew open.

"What the hell—"

The boy climbed off of her when they both heard the voice, causing both of their attentions to shift to where Blaise Zabini stood at the door with his eyes averted to the floor as his hand gripped tightly onto the doorknob. He was dressed in quidditch gear from head to toe.

How had they forgotten?

Cassius laughed quietly when he saw who it was, but Vera's face turned pink with embarrassment.

It was quite obvious that Blaise hadn't expected to walk in on them— otherwise, he would've knocked.

"Warrington— Blackwell— we have practice—"

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