Chapter The First

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It was dark, silent on the Domo; cradled in the void of space. It was quiet, peaceful, as the ship slowly drifted toward the Earth.

It was dark, dark and silent in Kaia's mind; until it was not. A voice was calling her forth; Ajak's voice.

"It is time."

Suddenly, Kaia's eyes were thrown open, and she felt herself moving backward, up to her spot on the wall as her suit formed around her, gold with spiraling black designs.

She looked around at her surroundings, finding herself in a semi darkened room, surrounded by others like her. From the center of the room, a rough statue seemed to stare down at her; Arishem her brain supplied; The Creator, The Judge, The Leader, The Prime Celestial.

Something deep in the back of her mind, offered another name; The Killer Of Planets.

Kaia couldn't dwell on it long, as Ajak was speaking again, "In the beginning... before the six singularities and the dawn of creation, came the Celestials. Arishem, the Prime Celestial, created the first sun, and brought light into the universe. Life began, and thrived. Everything was in balance. That is, until a new, destructive species of predator emerged, to feed on intelligent life.They are known as Deviants, and they have set the universe into chaos. In order to restore order, Arishem sent us, and other groups of Eternals like us to eliminate these deviants."

She looked around at the ten eternals that circled the room, "Our mission is to protect the humans; intelligent creators that live on Terra, Earth. I am Ajak, Prime Eternal. Come now, and learn of each other; we shall be arriving on Earth soon."

Kaia stepped away from the wall, looking around as the others either began to move toward each other or away. Slowly she moved down one of the dimly lit halls, running a hand over the smooth stone of the wall.

Eventually, in her wandering, she came upon a window, looking out over the vastness of the void. Stars seemed to prick in and out of the darkness. How many of them had life of their own spinning around them.

"Not one to talk to others, ay, m'lady?"

Kaia turned, finding the  man that had shared a place beside her in the first room of the ship, "oh- I just wanted to take it all in, give myself a moment to know myself again, before I knew any others."

He half nodded, moving to stand next to her; looking out the window.

They watched the twinkling of the stars for a few long minutes before she offered "I'm Kaia."

"Druig," he said simply, glancing away from the window towards her, "Yours is a pretty name, suits you."

Kaia couldn't help but duck her head with a chuckle, "thank you. I- I manipulate water."

"And I manipulate minds. Almost-"

"Like a match made in heaven," she cut him off, "Hardly two sentences in and you're already getting predictable, Druig."

"Took the words right out of my mouth." He chuckled.

"So you're a thinker then?"

He nodded, "Helping to advance mankind... or something."

"How very." Kaia grinned, raising her eyebrows.

Druig nearly laughed, "'very'? Now, I don't think with language like that you'll fit in much down there."

"I'm sure I will at some point."

They fell into a comfortable silence, watching the stars again; until someone else came down the hallway.

"Oh, hello! I was wondering where everyone else had wandered off too. Makkari said the two of you would be down here."

Kaia found the man and woman who had been across from her, the woman half glaring at him, signing, "You did not believe me."

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