Chapter The Second

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Sumer 4193 BCE

The city was a bright and lively place; filled with people, all brought together, simply by living.

Kaia had watched this civilization begin out of almost nothing. She had watched as villages had become towns, and then small cities, and now this metropolis.

It made sense that the deviants tried to strike here, where so many humans gathered. That had been why it was now serving as the Eternals home; to protect these humans until they were strong enough to protect themselves.

When Deviants weren't attacking, the eternals, especially Sersi, Sprite, Makkari and Phastos, took to the city; trading, exploring and meeting new people. Kaia had joined Makkari on her trading adventures numerous times, but today, Makkari had ventured out to one of the far off villages where one of her treasures lie.

So Kaia wandered the streets, observing quietly as she slipped through crowds. Eventually she found herself sitting by one of the city's great fountains, watching people come and go; it was small things, like their way of life, that she wanted to commit to memory, down to the last detail.

"Are you up t' anythin important, my lovely Kaia?"

Kaia smiled as Druig sat down next to her, "Just watching, dear Druig."

"Watchin, watchin, watchin, you're always watchin them you know?"

"I know," She turned to smile at him, "I just... after that first city turned up... everything changes so fast for them. So, so fast- they keep up, sure, but how much is lost every day?"

Druig remained quiet, watching the people moving through the market, just as she had.

"I want to be able to remember- to make record of all their achievements, and even their failures, so that they don't forget... so that it's not all for nothing for them."

After a long moment, he chuckled, "You sound like Makkari."

"Makkari wants those trinkets and things for sentimental reasons." She retorted, knocking her shoulder against his.

"And you don't find human history sentimental?" He half scoffed, "I seriously doubt that m'lady."

She remained quiet, almost refusing to answer him.

"Alright, I see how it is then." He chuckled.

They remained there, at the edge of the fountain for a long time, watching the crowd ebb and flow, Kaia's head slowly coming to rest on Druig's shoulder.

It was moments like these, quiet seconds between battles with deviants and helping the humans in which Druig and Kaia's relationship grew and thrived. They stuck together, especially as time went on; where Druig seemed mildly annoyed by the rest of the Eternals, Kaia was the one he was open with; where Kaia wasn't sure how to help or contribute, Druig was the one to offer ideas or reassurance.

When a new pack of deviants attacked the city, the Eternals were quick to respond, even if they were caught off guard. Several had gone after the humans out tending the fields, while others had begun to climb the city walls.

Thena and Gilgamesh quickly went after the ones farthest out on the field, while Ikaris defended the wall. While Sprite did her best to help him, and the others raced out to the fields, Druig quickly took control of the villagers who had become caught up in the crossfire, sending them back toward the city at hurried paces.

Kaia found herself all but lost in the chaos, unsure of how to help. Even with the new irrigated farms Phastos had helped to create, there was not nearly enough water here for her to take out a deviant.

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