Chapter The Fourteenth

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Iraq, 2023 ACE

Druig pretended not to notice the shower of orange sparks as he climbed from the commandeered jeep. He had spent the whole trip to Chicago, and then back to The Domo, puzzling over why Kaia had been following the Eternals again, and why she chose to keep herself hidden, even in their time of crisis. He wasn't sure what Kaia's plan was, but he trusted her, and that was certainly reason enough to not call her out of hiding.

The others looked around the dusty excavation sight that had once, long, long ago, been their home. The archeologists had abandoned the sight only a few moments before, leaving their tools where they had dropped them.

With a sigh, Phastos began to fiddle with something in his hand, drawing The Domo up and out of the earth that it had become encased in over the years.

"A foreboding atmosphere fills the air," Kingo narrated as they moved down the dimly lit corridor, "An eerie stillness chokes our lungs."

"What are you doing? You know you are creeping us out right?" Phastos asked.

His question was suddenly cut off by a loud popping noise.

"Oh! Oh god- Stay calm T, please-" Phastos cut off his own panicking as he bent to grab the now popped bag of chips Thena had stepped on, "Oh... Chips- Oh it's just chips."

Kingo looked at him for a moment before turning to Karun and the camera, "As you can see, being an Eternal does not preclude you for having human emotions, such as cowardice."

They came to the end of the hallway that led to the lab, and Phastos looked around in partial horror, "What has she done? Is that a sarcophagus? In my lab?"

The main lab of The Domo seemed to have been turned into a collection room, now filled with various treasures from across the world and through the ages.

"This is Makkari," Kingo said to the camera, motioning for Karun to pan around the room, "Or should I say Miss Havisham? None of us have seen her for centuries."

Makkari looked up from where she sat on a stolen throne, closing the book in her lap with a grin, "Ready to go home?"

Kingo frowned, "hmmmm..."

"What's wrong?" Makkari asked.

He sighed, "Long story."

As Kingo began to explain the Eternals predicament to her, Phastos got to work, searching for possible ways to amplify Druig's power. The others meandered around the room, looking through Makkari's collection.

"So you mean, I've been waiting centuries to go back to Olympia, and now you're telling me it doesn't exist?"

Kingo nodded, "That- and the world is ending."

"At least my boredom is ending." She rolled her eyes.

"Hey- have you seen my movies?"

"I don't have a dvd player."

"Dvd? It's all about streaming now. You know what? What you need is a kindle."

Makkari frowned, "A what?"

"It's like a tablet..." Kingo trailed off, sighing when she seemed even more confused, "You know I just realized, if you don't know what an Ipad is, there's almost no way to explain it."

Makkari rolled her eyes again, standing up and wandering away. Druig emerged from one of the stacks, looking down at the scroll he had found, "Is this one of Kaia's?"

"Its an original one of hers, about Plato."

"Where'd you get it?" He was still looking over the ever familiar handwriting.

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