Fish Tacos and Sun

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*P.O.V Kaya*

I awoke slowly, rising from the bed I looked out the window.

I had to admit, the view Braxton's house had were amazing, in any room you were in.

The sun was going down but hadn't started to set quit yet. Looking at the clock on the night stand I let out a sigh.

6:34. It was just about dinner time.

Crossing the room I pulled my hair up in a bun, surely it had to be messy from the nap. I released a breath I didn't know I was holding, just thankful the headache was gone.

"At least one thing goes right today." I mumbled while walking towards the bathroom.

While making my way over there I noticed my bag on the desk chair. A small smile came to my face, grateful Wade had done this one thing for me because who knows what monstrosity I was about to walk into downstairs.

Part of my assumed he had picked up dinner, but just for himself.

Once in the bathroom I washed my hands hoping that once I walked downstairs dinner would be here (for both of us). My stomach was clearly making noises, telling me it was time to eat.

After wiping my hands dry I walked out of the guest room and started to make my way down the stairs before I heard Wades voice.

I stopped short, listening to him as he talked on the phone.

"You think your life's hard? Try living with the most Insufferable bitch in Suston."

He paused for a moment as one of his friends spoke back to him over the phone. I could hear Wade scuff before he spoke again.

"Doesn't matter that she's hot Lucas. Oh yeah, you sleep with her than nothings stopping you."

The room went silent again and I rolled my eyes. Not finding the phone call as entertaining as I wanted it to be.

"I don't give a rats ass, two months then she's gone its not like I'm living two months of luxury like you're imagining."

I began to walk down the stairs once the phone call sounded like it was over.

Wades friends trying to sleep with me was nothing new, it was like some twisted game to them. Who could get with the lifeguard first? None of them could and none of them ever would.

I came into Wades eye sight while I walked down stairs and he immediately set his phone down and looked at me. He was standing in the kitchen eating something from a plastic box.

"Hey. How's your head?" He asked setting down the food.

"Better, thanks." I replied, more curious about what was inside the box, and if there was any for me.

I walked acrossed the floor towards the kitchen, the wood painting cold on my bare feet.

"So, do you like fish tacos?" He asked pushing me a Styrofoam box with 4 fish tacos inside.

I tried to hide a surprise look as I nodded my head.

"Yup thanks." I stated while sitting on the counter to eat my food.

"So I was thinking." Wade said while taking another taco.

"You thinking, look you aren't exactly the brains here." I said with a snort.

Wade rolled his eyes.

"I was thinking we split the jobs, you update life guard stuff, fix pool stuff, and I'll do the other things."

I raised my eyebrow, very specific Wade.

"You just want to split the jobs because you don't want to work with the most insurable bitch in Suston." I stated.

Wade just shrugged his shoulders not even trying to deny what he had just said on the phone.

Sure I didn't like this living situation either but I wasn't outwardly expressing it.

"Look, less time I have to spend with you the better. We don't have to see each other here at home and we don't have to see each other at work." Wade said.

I thought for a moment. It wasn't a half bad idea. The less of Wade, probably best.

Though the way he was splitting up the jobs, seemed to give him less work.

"Oh and one more thing, under no circumstances we call my dad." He added.

I shook my head, understanding. If we called his dad, he would drop whatever he was doing to pick up the phone. Its best we let him do his thing in Rode Island and we do our thing here in Suston.

"Agreed. Plus it's better I don't have to see you face more than needed. I thinks its the reason I'm getting head aches." I vocally responded

"You do your thing and I'll do mine, plus my face is fucking gorgeous you're just to dumb to understand real art work."

I looked at Wade unamussed. Shoving more taco into my mouth. The silence of the house sitting between us as awkward silence hit.

We never talked this much. Only when or parents met up for a dinner occasionally. Then we were forced to talk to each other, just like right now. Although there were rare moments when alone we managed to get along.

Those moments only happened when we were alone though, so that made them super rare.

Wade clapped his hands together and walked acrossed the kitchen towards the door.

"Welp, hasta la vista bitch. I'm heading out." He announced while picking up his keys.

Like every rich boy he drives a black jeep. Honestly I think that was the last step to him becoming a whore.

"Where are you going?" I asked curiosity getting the better of me, "its getting kind of late."

Wade just shrugged his shoulders.

"Out." Was all he said while leaving.

He shut the door with a slam, the house now in utter silence. The only sounds coming from the waves crashing out on the shore outside.

Looking out at the beach I realized the waves weren't half bad. They weren't huge, but perfect for my long board.

Throwing out my food box, I then went upstairs and put on my suit followed by my rash guard.

I could never surf without one like Wade could, my stomach would get a bad rash. The rash made moving and touching my stomach uncomfortable, so it was just better in general if I wore won.

Picking up my board from the garage, I smiled slightly. The feeling of freedom always hit me when I went out surfing, it was calming.

Unlike lifeguarding, surfing aloud me to feel at peace with the ocean. The way the water moved under my feet and the knowledge that I couldn't control the wind or the waves, but I could let them guide me to shore.

I walked down the beach then out into the ocean, setting my board in the water and paddled out and I thought to myself...

Two months, thats it. Just two months.

Words: 1152

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