His Words

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*Kaya's P.O.V*

"Hey no no no put that over there please!" I yelled to someone setting up a banner.

I huffed in annoyance as I watched the crew walk the banner to another location.

Tomorrow was the beach banger fest and set up had been anything but easy.

Put this here, make sure this gets set up, where is the food trucks, how do we set up the projector.

I take back everything I'd ever said about Wade's job... it was fucking exhausting.

"Hey Kaya, you seen the director of the food stands?" Wade called from the tower.

I turned around to see him standing there, clip board in hand, wearing his beach directors shirt.

At first it took a second for people to listen to him, to take him seriously, but he made it pretty clear pretty fast that he was in charge.

He may not be his dad, but he was still in charge.

It didn't help that me and Wade had been acting friendly, ok a little more than friendly, these last few days.

Everyones reaction was different, the girls had pretty much seen it as expected while Brandon had yet to speak to me.

I didn't get it, it's not like me and Wade are... together, but something had definitely changed between us since our day off.

We, well Wade, was more flirty and touchy. Any chance he got he was at my side.

"Yeah he was down at the pier by the light house!" I shouted back.

Wade nodded his head and took out his walkie. It was weird with him having one, everytime I expected to hear Braxton's voice Wade's voice came.

After the original shock of it not being Braxtons voice passed, it became familiar to here Wade. Almost like it was meant to be.

"Head guard to all guards come here please." I stated through the walkie

Almost immediately I was met with a large group of guard standing around me in a cemi circle. It was weird seeing everyone here.

All guards had to pitch in. Even though no one should be getting in the water during the movie, it was best to be safer than sorry.

"Alright! Tomorrow night on high alert alright, no slacking off, no watching the movie. Safety is our number one priority, ok? I've sectioned you off into groups your letters are on your packs. I'm group A, Lilly is group B, Brandon is group C, and Clementine is group D. More info will come Tomorrow, group leaders come see me please, everyone else is dismissed for the day unless you're guarding or would like to stay and help!"

The crowd of navy blues broke off and the red suits (group leaders) stepped forward.

I'd given them all red suits figuring it would be easier to have more than one head guard. That way I wasn't the only one in charge.

"Alright guys, I want you all to be prepared for tomorrow." I looked around at all of the guards my eyes landing on Brandon's for a moment.

It was weird, him not talking to me. I was used to his jokes all day, him helping me out. It was like our friendship had been put on halt.

Having to take my eyes off of him for fear of my prolong eye contact being noticed,  I looked past him into the water. Straight towards the no go zone, were I saw one lone surfer.

At first I was absolutely livid, how could Wade be iut there surfing when we were so busy with set up? But as I looked around the beach I noticed Wade still standing talking to one of the beach helpers.

"Hold that thought." I stated, my pause had been way too long now after looking at Brandon to the water.

"Wade!" I shouted, earning his attention quick.

He walked over standing next to me he put a hand in my back... like I said he's been "touchy" today.

I watched Brandon's blood slightly boil while Lilly and Clem smirked at me. I chose to ignore Brandon and pointed to the surfer in the No-go zone.

"One of yours?" I asked.

Wade looked at the surfer and a look of slight panic came across his face for a slight second.

"Shit. Hand me a mega phone, I'll take care of it." Wade stated putting his hand out for a mega phone.

Everyone looked at him surprised, Wade was going to take care of the issue in the no go zone?

But deciding not to argue it, or make a snarky comment, I handed him a mega phone from the stallion. Wade took it and matched down the beach toward the surfer.

The surfer currently being taken care of by... Wade, I turned my attention back toward the guards. I had to take a moment, a smirk crossing my face. This was definitely a change in the right direction.

"As I was saying, I want you all to be prepared for tomorrow. Braxton's not here and its going to be busy. Keep eyes open and try to keep the beach clean. I know this is your first time as head guards so if you have a complaint you can't handle send them my way." I finished my instructions and got a head nod of understanding, "Alright, dismissed Lilly and Clem you're still on duty, but Brandon you can go home."

He left without a word. I didn't know what to say or do and somehow Lilly read my thoughts.

"He'll get over it." Lilly said

I sighed in defeat.

"Just give it a month or two of you two dating." Clementine added on.

I looked over at Wade, he was crouched down talking to the little kid Cole who I'd seen the other day when the boys were surfing.

He must have been the one out there right now. God that could be dangerous, trying to surf that area that young. He also had no help, when would his ego finally come and bite him in the ass?

Then I turned my thoughts back to Clementine's words. We weren't even dating, nore did I think we were going to. But Wade had yet to dismiss me like anyone girl. And he'd been kind of public about it.

In the past it was the girl telling everyone that she'd hooked up with Wade and Wade holding off till last moment saying "yeah its true."

Almost like he never wanted to admit it.

But now... we hadn't even really hooked up and he was acting like we'd just finished our honeymoon.

"We aren't dating." I clarified setting my clip board down behind me.

Lilly raised her eyebrow.

"Sure and I'm wasn't born of the 13th of May."

I rolled my eyes and looked over at Wade.

"If you're not dating it's gonna happen soon. Have you seen the way he looks at you?" Clem stated, "I knew something was going on before you two started getting all close today, just by the way he was staring..."

"Guys," I said cutting off Clementine, "get back to work."

They both smirked at me before giving a fake salute and returning to the tower.

I looked around at the beach, content with how well it shaped up.

I thought back to Braxton's list, we only had two more things to complete.

Changing the oil and updating the CPR certifications.

Easy, how hard could these last few weeks be?

Words: 1252

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