The Fighting

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*P.O.V Wade*

I listened as Kaya started the shower, I was so tense for our conversation I just sat there.

Her words stung hard.

But soon after the sting was gone it was replaced with a sort of sexual tension.

She had drawn me in and I couldn't pull away now. It was too late.

It didn't make the truth stop hurting anymore.

But it made another part of the truth shine through.

I hadn't just lost my mom that night.

And Kaya hadn't just lost her dad.

We'd both lost our friendship.

We'd pushed each other away, dealing with the loss of our parents in our own way.

And I made it worse, I'd made the irritation start.

Because I wanted her attention, I thrived on her attention.

She was a drug in a way I couldn't explain it.

The shower turned off and it pulled me back into thinking about Kaya in a ways I'd tried not to think about her.

The lifeguard suit never had an effect on me.

It was everything else about her that did.

Her eyes, smile and attitude.

That would be the death of me.

That would be what caused me to over dose on her drug.

I took in a harsh breath as I thought of her in the room over, getting out of the shower.

Dripping wet, with a towel tightly pressed against her.

Part of me wished she'd walk over. Let me apologize for everything I'd done. Let me push her against a wall.

Any wall, hell she can take her pick, and let me devore her. 

My breath quickened as I tried to get myself together.

This wasn't a friendship anymore to me. It was so much more.

Kaya had unintentionally made it so much more. At least to me.

If she felt the same way, I'd never know.

Not unless I acted on my instincts.

Still breathing quickly I stood up from my bed and exited my room. Looking at her door, I thought about walking over there.

Apologizing, saying that I would never surf in the no-go zone again.

That I would never break any rules or make her life any harder than it is. Tell her J wanted my best friend back and then some.

Doing all of that took balls.

And mine were so over thrown by the thought of Kaya pressed against, clutching to me tightly.

That I almost had none.

Instead I made my way down stairs ripped off my shirt leaving me in just board shorts.

Walking out onto the patio I looked at the ocean.

God if I kept doing things the way I was, someone someday was going to find my body out there.

I had been playing a dangerous game between life and death and bringing my friends with me.

I walked down the sand and stood in the water.

God my mom was so thrilled when we got this house with the private beach. Said it was her dream house.

And my dad smiled at her, saying it was all hers.

My parents didn't get along as teenagers, always fought apparently.

Made Kaya's mom and dad frustrated. They never got why my parents didn't get along.

You would have never guessed it about my parents though. My dad practically bowed down at mom moms feet.

They loved each other so much, so much that my dad had no reaction my moms death.

Maybe thats where a lot of the pain came in.

My dad kept living for my mom, kept raising me for my mom, kept helping raise Kaya for his best friend.

I didn't see that till now.

Everyone else kept living for their parents and I wasnt.

I was testing death, torturing him.


Not thinking about everyone else who cared who was despretely trying to drag me out of the surf.

Even Lucas tried for a while until he caved and joined me.

I'd single handedly brought someone else down with me.

I'd lost Kaya and I'd lost a part of my dad.

I'd lost some of me too.

I missed my mom. So much, words could compare.

I'd think about her everyday.

But I also know my moms thinking about me everyday.

Looking down wishing I'd stop doing what I was doing.

Not move on, but start living again for her.

Get my best friend back.

Make my dad proud of me.

Something I wanted to do too.

God I'd wanted to do it for a long time but never knew how.

Until this short bitchy lifeguard started living with me.

I smirked to myself walking back into the house.

God Kaya.

Fine, if that's what you want.

I'll start living again.

Words: 791

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