Sunrise Sunset

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*Kaya's P.O.V*

The sunrise was always beautiful in Suston, I preferred the sunsets but the sun coming up came close to it setting.

I sighed and turned my head away from the pool office window. First thing on the list... clean pool office storage room.

I had woken up early to complete the job, that is early enough that I would finish by the time the pool lifeguards got here.

Getting up from my chair I looked at the storage room one more time. It was definitely an upgrade from what it was before.

Of course over 50 percent of it was trash and 25 percent could come to the beach.

I stood there for a moment, trying to remember what was so important at the beach I was forgetting. Before it clicked.

The beach, work! Shoot!

Picking up my bag, I quickly pulled out my phone.

I had completely forgot about work!

Dialing Brandon's number I clicked the pen on the pool office desk. I would call Wade, but I highly doubt he was up.

"Hey whats up? I'm not in trouble am I?" He asked immediately

I laughed slightly.

"No, no you're not. Look I'm at the pool office and I'm not going to make it to work on time unless someone comes and picks me up." I explained

"Got it, I'll come get you now."

I exhaled, "thank you." I was already so tired and the work day hadn't even started.

Hanging up the phone, I put it back in my bag. Observing the pool a small smile came to my face. It was after all the first place I was aloud to guard. It had a small place in my heart.

Before I started guarding at the beach I'd spent countless hours here, learning the ropes of being a guard.

Though the beach guards weren't close with the pool guards, I made a point to be close with them. Though they're job was slightly easier than ours it didn't make it less important.

I walked back into the storage room then made my way into the filter room.

Another job that was on my list... check the pool filters.

They were already clean, I knew that because the guards were scheduled to clean them every week. Braxton was just required to make sure they were doing their job every month or so.

Lifting off the top of the filter case I looked inside, and of course, clean.

I put the top back on and snorted slightly. Thats two things off the list Wade, and what have you done? Oh yeah, Nothing as of yet.

A honk from outside of the pool area caught my attention and I made my way out of the pool, locking the gate behind me before getting in Brandon's car.

A small SUV, classic grey. Brandon's car always made me smile. The interior had stickers all over the dash board and a air freshener in the air vent that smelled like "Hawaiian breeze".

He clicked his tongue and smiled as he drove towards the beach.

"Late to work Kaya, I'm gonna have to write you up."

"Hey, technically you're late to work too. I should be writing you up." I said with a smile.

He just rolled his eyes as he pulled into the employee parkinglot at the beach. Brandon lived quit a ways from the beach forcing him to have to drive to work, thankfully his car had a working air conditioning or I think he would simply pass away.

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