Walking on Slippery Rocks

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*Kaya's P.O.V*

I relaxed in the life guard chair. The south tower was a comfortable location, the sun hit my skin perfectly warming my entire body.

I fiddled with my suit hem on my hips. I had been careful not to mention Wade to anyone today, and corrected anyone who still thought we had slept together.

Especially Brandon, it was weird around him today. Wade's words about him stuck in my head.

And my words stuck in my head.

I lifted my head up to the sky for a moment before returning my gaze to the beach.

I can't believe I said that to him. It was the truth, but something in me just felt awkward after saying it.

The whole conversation made getting ready this morning awkward too.

We were nice together but the tension was so clear it almost hurt. It was almost like we were walking on slippery rock, nervous we would fall and hurt ourselves at any moment.

I placed my cheek in my hand and exhaled.

This morning had been a relatively calm. Alex was gone on a sick day so I was covering his station till Hannah came to fill it.

"Caroline to head guard." Caroline's voice said coming through my walkie all staticy.

"Head guard here." I replied Barely lifting up my walkie.

The sun was making me tired, plus I hadn't gotten a lot of sleep in the last two nights.

"I have a 'no go' issue." She explained.

Not having to say anymore I just grunted in frustration. I had been enjoying the slow day at the beach, I should have known Wade wasn't going to let me get off that easy.

"Did you use the mega phone?" I asked into the walkie talkie.

"Yeah, Lucas just flipped me off and Wade laughed." Caroline explained

I rolled my eyes but kept my gaze on my section on the beach.

"Can you try and figure it out? I'm covering Alex's station till Hannah gets here." I said. I probably could leave the station, it was such a slow day that if a rescue did need to be made anyone would see it. We were way overbooked with lifeguards.

"Go Kaya I'm here now." A voice said below my station.

I looked down to see Hannah's smiling face. I lightly smiled back at her but internally I groaned. I did not want to go deal with Wade.

I got down from the station while speaking into my walkie. "Never mind I'm on my way to help."

"Morning Hannah." I said giving her a half smile.

"Morning." She replied before climbing the ladder.

I began walking towards the 'no go' zone. Sand moving under my feet as I was practically dragging them.

Why was this such a problem? On a normal day I would be sprinting to yell at Wade, enforce the rules. Now I had no motivation to I didn't want to be near him for the fear of...

For the fear of what? What is wrong with me?

I shook my head, trying to get rid of the fog cloud in my mind. Either it was the lack of sleep the last two nights or living with Wade is finally getting to me.

I reached the 'no go' zone and smiled lightly at Caroline.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I've tried everything I swear, their just..."

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