Surf'in U.S.A

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*P.O.V Kaya*

I ran my hands through my hair in frustration before looking over at Clementine and Lilly.

I kept my phone to my ear as my kept running my hands through my hair, not knowing where else to put them.

"Look I would appreciate it if you could bring my board over to your house." I said my voice full of irritation.

"There isn't room for your board Kaya-Babe." The voice in the phone said.

"Don't lie to me I know what your garage looks like." I said before hanging up the phone and setting it down on the counter.

The phone slammed slightly and the thought of the screen being cracked crossed my mind, but it quickly went away.

Looking out at the beach I shook my head.

"Man you two won't last two days with each other." Lilly stated.

She was currently filling out an incident report with a patron who was sitting in the medic bed.

"I think its cute, they fight like an old married couple." Clementine said adding to lillys part of the conversation.

I just rolled my eyes and picked up my walkie, I didn't feel like dealing with any of this today.

"Head guard to Alex."

"Alex here."

"Could you come up here and take over the main tower with Lilly, I'm heading out for the day."


Both girls looked at me strangely. I rubbed my forehead and closed my eyes. This day was giving me a head ache.

"Braxton left about 3 hours ago so I'm gonna head over and settle in at the house. When Wade isn't there." I explained while clocking out.

Clementine just nodded her while picking up her lifeguard pack, ready to start her shift.

"Maybe take something for that head ache as well." She said while opening the door.

She walked down acrossed the beach to her station. The one nice thing about being head guard was that I didn't really have a station. I could wonder around the beach all day. Now being a director I could move between the beach, the pool, and the head office all day long.

"All right, I'm heading out." I stated grabbing my bag.

"Enjoy the high life." Lilly joked.

I scoffed and opened the tower door.

"Call me if anything happens." I stated

And while shutting the door I could hear her say, "you got it boss."

I walked down the beach sidewalk towards Wades house. Could I drive? Yeah, but I preferred to walk.

Making my way up Wades driveway I kicked off my crocs and entered his house bare foot. Immediately I was hit with the smell of coconut. It always smelled like that here, even Wade smelled like it.

I walked through the semi open layout. Kitchen to the right and dining room straight ahead. The living room to my left but a few steps down. I put my work keys on the kitchen counter and walked towards the large windows that faced the beach.

It must be nice to have your own private beach. Or to even have a house like this.

The quietness of the house was already dulling my head ache making me feel 50% better. That is till I heard the door open.

Wet feet scampered acrossed the wood floor, water droplets cod be heard fall onto the nice flooring as well.

I turned around to see Wade running a towel through his hair as he walked. Wearing only board shorts and a rash guard he gave me a toothy smile.

"Wade what the hell! Dry off before you come running through here, you're gonna ruin the floors." I said my voice coming out more exhausted than I wanted it too.

He looked like a confused puppy as I said that but quickly wrapped the towel around his body and took off his sopping rash guard.

"Don't worry babe, the floors are used to it." He stated walking past me towards the laundry room.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the towel off of the kitchen counter, mopping the floors I could feel my head ache coming back. I don't think its from the heat or the noise, I think it's the stress or Wade.

He emerged from the laundry room in different shorts and sex wax t-shirt. And looked at me kind of confused.

"Why are you here so early anyways, your shift doesn't end till 5:30?"

A look of shock came on my face as I realized he knew the time I got off of work. But I quickly hid it and sat down at one of the dining room chairs.

"Well I was going to get settled in, without you here. Speaking of which why are you here so early?" I asked realizing he should be at the office doing whatever he does with his dad.

"Well," he said leaning on the kitchen island. "I brought your surfboard from you house for you."

I nodded my head, slightly in shock that he had actually gotten my board for me.

"Thank you." I said.

"And, I brought the list my dad wrote up for us from his office."

This made me lift up my head. I stood up and walked over to the island to look at the list. Wade looked at it as well, he stood directly behind me and awfully close. I read the list from top to bottom.

□ Clean pool storage room
□ order and have new intercoms placed on beach vehicles
□ beach banger movie night (July 12th)
□ director vehicle needs an oil change
□ up date lifeguard cpr certification for office organization
□ check filters in the pool
□ and please just keep everything up and running!!

Here comes the head ache again. Wade sighed behind me and I could feel his defined chest brush my back.

"Well its a lot, but we can get it done." He said behind me.

I shook my head and stepped away from him, head still pounding. Wade stepped away as well and went through one if the cupboards. Handing me a bottle of meds.

"Whats this?" I asked

"Tylenol." He stated with a smug smile. "Its obvious you have a head ache, you coming early to settle in is bull shit... you've practically lived here your whole life. You have a head ache and wanted to get away."

"Fuck off Wade." I said, I hated it when people call me out on slacking off. Especially when it's Wade.

"Don't use that language with me. The only reason I'm being nice is because you're clearly in pain and we have to make this whole situation work out, alright?"

I gave him a side glare. Choosing not to say anything more or instigate anything.

"Now, you take those meds and go upstairs and sleep. I'll bring your bag up and go pick up dinner." He stated walking out the door leaving me with no other options.

I walked up the stairs to the spare room and laid on the bed. I knew this little him being nice thing (if you could call it that) was going to go away the second I woke up without a head ache. But for now I would enjoy it.

Words: 1205

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