Strawberries and Sunrises

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*Kaya's P.O.V*

"Mornin Babe." I heard Wades voice call with a knock on my door.

My eyes slowly opened and I groaned my body was way too content in bed. But flipping from my side to my back, I saw Wade standing there, fruit tray in hand and a smile on his face.

He looked like a little kid excited to show someone what he'd done. It was... cute.

He had obviously already been up for awhile, dressed in board shorts and a billabong t-shirt.

"The fridge is stocked, I bought stuff to change the beach directors vehicle, and I made breakfast in bed." He stated while setting the tray on my lap and sitting next to me on the side of my bed.

"Wow, I'm impressed." I stated nodding my head.

It was still early and my body was trying to adjust to the light coming through the window in my room.

I'm surprised the light didn't wake me up awhile ago. Normally I didn't sleep in, once my body was used to the 5 am wake ups sleeping in past 7 am became impossible.

"And I was so nice I even let you sleep in till 10:30." Wade said with a proud smile.

I stopped eating my food for a second and looked at him shocked. No way I'd been asleep that long.

That means I'd been asleep for more than 13 hours.

"Its 10:30!" Wade nodded his head "Oh my God, I was gonna go see my mom today." I stated in a panic.

Wade chuckled, "Kaya its only 10:30, we'll go see her for lunch."

I was about to speak but stopped as I realized what he had said. I studdard as Wade stood up from my bed.

"We?" I questioned, finally getting the word out.

Wade gave me his cocky, hot smirk and winked as he shut the door.

"It's a date." Was all he said, leaving me alone to finish my breakfast and ponder his words.


To my surprise Wade held the door open for me as we walked into my moms restaurant.

Taking a seat Wade sat acrossed from me, looking out at the ocean as I looked around the restaurant for my mom or a waiter.

Spotting Lyla I waved her over. Her curly red hair bouncing as she walked with a smile on her freckled face.

"Kaya." She said with a smile before turning to Wade, puffing her chest out slightly as she did, "Wade."

Wade barely acknowledged her but something inside me flared with anger watching her interact with Wade the way she did.

She's not yours bi- I stopped my thoughts before I could finish them. He's not mine either you thirsty bitch.

"Hey, could you get my mom for me?" I asked politely ignore the difference in attitude towards me and Wade.

"Oh and some of those crab rolls, thanks." Wade said handing our menus over still not paying Layla any attention.

I looked at him surprised, and he looked at me slightly confused.

"How did you know what I wanted?" I asked.

Wade just shrugged his shoulders.

"I pay attention." He stated with a small smile.

I couldn't tell if he was messing with me or not. The way he was acting was a perfect in-between of the Wade I knew and the Wade now.

I kind of liked it.

He was still cocky and slightly self absorbed, but also caring and paying attention to detail.

I smirked slightly and looked down at the table.

"Hey there cutie." I heard my moms voice day walking up to the table.

"Hello," Wade said with a smile, "see even your mom thinks I'm cute."

I snorted and laughed, my mom did too. She smiled her bright usual smile and looked at Wade.

"Yes, good morning Wade." My mom said.

"Morning Emma." Wade said politely, sounding so much like his dad.

Wade turned away from my mom and looked at me, my mom doing the same. I looked at Wade for a quick second before looking at my mom.

"Hi mom." I said with a smile.

Just as we began talking Lyla came over with our food and set it on the table.

"Alright, here you go. Anything else I can do for you?" She asked, trying to look good infront of my mom. She was after all her boss.

"That'll be all Lyla, I'll take it from here." My mom said pulling over a chair and sitting down.

With that Lyla left our table and moved onto the next. I averted my focus from her to my mom.

"So, how's it going you two? I noticed you haven't burned down the beach yet."

Wade laughed a little before looking up at me.

"No, its going good." He stated with a nod.

He was right, it was going good. Even though me and Wade had or differences at times, we hadn't managed to destroy the place yet.

He smirked slightly before looking at my mom.

"We've got our beach banger movie night in three days if you want to come check it out." He continued while fiddling with his straw.

"I'd love to be there."

I smiled at my mom and she smiled back at us.

"Thanks mom." I said leaning back in my chair a bit.

It was comforting to have this conversation with her, to know she was doing all right.

I wish we knew how Braxton was doing, but me and Wade agreed to not call him. I'm sure he was fine, but still it would be nice to know.

"Well I have to get back to work." My mom said standing up, after taking note that our conversation wasn't going much further.

Wade shot up like a bullet, standing with her. Both me and my mom looked at him slightly confused.

"Wait Emma-" Wade said stopping her from leaving. "Can I talk to you for a moment?"

I looked at Wade, even more confused  than before.

I looked at my mom, she seemed slightly shocked but nodded her head for Wade to follow her.

"I'll be right back." Was all Wade said with a smile before following my mom over to the bar counter.

I watched them talk. Wade seemed beyond nervous at the words he was saying, but my mom was just smiling and nodding her head.

Lyla was working the register at the bar and was clearly ease dropping in on their conversation. I watched as her face turned shocked and she looked towards me.

Now I was really curious as to what they were talking about because both Wade and my mom looked toward me and smiled.

My mom said one more thing and Wade nodded his head. They broke apart and Wade walked toward me. Leaving cash on the counter clearly ready to go.

"What was that about?" I asked referring to their conversation.

"Nothing, come on." He said with a smile as I stood up.

That smile made me freeze for a second as I looked at him.

It wasn't is true smile, but I think it's the closest one I've seen that compared to his old smile.

There were small dimples forming at the sides of his cheeks and some sort of sparkle behind his eyes.

And though I had no idea what was making him smile in such a way, it made me smile as well.

Words: 1244

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