스물 다섯

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It took just over a week for Hongjoong to finally be satisfied with the recordings.

Seonghwa had spent every day with him inside the studio, despite his very minor role in the mixtape – sometimes recording by himself or with Wooyoung, or just acting as a sounding board for his boyfriend to bounce ideas off of.

It was tiring, but Seonghwa enjoyed himself.

Especially because Hongjoong was so conscientious about taking care of him.

Over the last eight days, Seonghwa had spent only three nights in his dorm room with Mingi.

The other five, he'd spent with Hongjoong – lying tangled in the sheets of his bed as his boyfriend delivered different teas to soothe his throat, and then cuddled together to sleep.

He was adamantly against doing anything that would overwork Seonghwa, or to strain his throat and risk his voice.

Which was nice of him, Seonghwa knew.

It was really, really nice.

It was also frustrating as hell.

Because no matter what he had tried to initiate, Hongjoong always gently but firmly turned him down.

The most that he would indulge Seonghwa in was a few slow, languid kisses and the torture of his warm hands on his waist as Seonghwa lay between his thighs in the bed before they went to sleep.

Seonghwa understood Hongjoong's reluctance, really – but he was still counting down the days until Hongjoong ran out of excuses.

That day had finally come.

Seonghwa had spent the day in his dorm, catching up on his assignments and occasionally being tempted into playing a round or two of video games with Mingi and Yunho.

He'd only managed to exchange a handful of texts with Hongjoong, who was working in the studio, and he was itching to see him.

Finally, when Seonghwa had totally given up on further productivity and resigned himself to an evening of getting his ass kicked by Yunho, his phone buzzed.

Seonghwa snatched it up immediately.


joong <3: im finishing up at the studio now

joong <3: do you want to come over?

Seonghwa set his controller down on his stomach, ignoring Yunho's protest, and typed back.

hwa: yes ofc!!

hwa: should i meet you at the studio or ur dorm?

joong <3: studio's closer to your dorm

joong <3: meet here and then we'll walk to mine

The words sent a low thrill through Seonghwa's stomach.

He stared at his phone screen, biting nervously at his lip for a moment before he realized what he was doing.

Seonghwa smoothed his expression and set his phone down determinedly.

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