Chp19- Evil Zombie Violinists

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2 days before the double events,

Olsen, Andrew, Quill and Fuill wanted to hire a group band to play at the special event and they want to find someone who can be able to play classic music, it has to be something that the 13 mutant superheroes had ever seen before. So each of them did some research on which group band could play on that special day, and then they found a few groups of musicians but none of them was available on that day so Olsen said that " we should just leave this spot open for any of the group band to sign up and just maybe we would be able to get a group band to perform on that day ", Then all 4 of them agree with the decision and they went back to finishing up the decoration for the 2 events.

2 hours later,

A group of carolers came to the gateway of the village shield and were asked questions about the audition for the special event then Olsen came and showed them to the farmhouse. As the carolers started singing all of the classic songs and the Twins( Fuill&Quill ) did not enjoy most of the songs because they never heard of them so they just let Olsen and Andrew make the decision rather than to keep the carolers or find a different type of musician. Then Andrew said, we would keep them but just continue to find more musicians to play on that day. Then a group of young pianists came to the gateway and were looking for the audition Centre then Fuill when to pick them up and brought them to the farmhouse, then the group of were setting up their musical instruments and they began to play a few of the classic Song then suddenly a loud explosion sound came from the direction where the forest was and then the pianists stop playing the and everyone ran out of the farmhouse to see where was the loud sound coming from and Andrew saw from a distance, he saw 3 guys with violin and the centre guy play the violin and the musical note were flying towards the village shield and every time it hit the shield it causes a loud explosion sound and then 3 of the violinist started to play and all of the musical notes crashing against the village shield like it about to break down, then February and August ran to legacy basement to inform him about the 3 violinists and Legacy dropped everything and went the field then he saw his old enemies which he supposed to eliminate 45 years ago but he gave them a second chance to change but it seem they were back for revenge against him.

Okay let me tell you about what happened the past 45 years ago, Legacy was only 15 years old at that time and he joined a group of violinists total of 6 of them, they at his school they were such good friends they played together, they had family dinners together and they were quite close together until one night 3 of the violinists wanted to try dark magic and legacy told them not to do it but they were stubborn so with no experience of magic they try blood magic and they cast a spell with their blood and they were not ready for it yet, but one thing leads to another they used their dark magic power while performing in the band on the stage in front of the whole school and on that night itself the power was too out of control for them that they accidently killed another 2 more violinists, so to stop them from killing more innocents students legacy used his power to remove all of the dark magic from them and gave the 3 of them a second chance to be good and normal again. But for some reason, they were not happy with it so throughout the years they studied all of the dark magic spells and trained themselves to overcome all the dark magic so then one day they can have their revenge against legacy. So the invitation must have seen from where they were and leads them all the way to the village where legacy lived.

Alright back to the story, as legacy went back to his house to grab his old violin so he can battle with them but they had broken down the village shield and they continue playing the zombie-like music which turns any person who lessons to the music and the notes were so powerful that it broke legacy violin into pieces and as legacy watch, all of his family and friends slowly turning into zombies all because of the music that they were playing but legacy was surprised to see that all of the gipilus was not under the dark magic spell so he ran to the farmhouse and build a strong shield around it to protect the gipilus and the 2 groups of musicians which he just met. So he came up with a plan to eliminate the 3 of those violinists once and for all, so he took a strip of fur from each of the gipilus and took a bowl of water and he cut his hand to add some of his blood into the bowl of water then mixed all of them well. While he was mixing them he did a vanishing spell for dark blood magic and once he was done he took a brush and deep into the potion then apply it to all of the pianos then he asked all of the musicians to take a sip of the potion and they drank the potion then he removed the shield and they started playing classical music as loud as they can to break the dark blood magic zombie-like spell which those 3 violinists cast earlier. Legacy created his violin made out of branches and leaves then he played all of the classic melodies with his new and stronger power while chanting the vanishing spell towards the 3 violinists. Even though they had learned every dark magic but it was no match against legacy ultimate power so they lost the battle against him and were eliminated from this lifetime. As the spell was broken thanks to both musician's groups and Andrew, Olsen, Quill and Fuill hired those 2 groups to play at the special event.

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