Chp21- Memory Express pt-1

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In the flashback, chapters have a total of 10 moments in time and I have decided to divide them into 2 parts. Some of the moments may have been mentioned in the previous chapters and the rest of the moments had never been mentioned before so let's sit back and review all of those moments from the past.

So we will start with the memory number 10, this memory takes place in the year 2033 when Chriszen and Medusa had a huge fight due to chriszen stubbornness and it was caused by a mirror demon who pretend to be Chriszen's Best Friend for 4 years and Medusa was been warning her that he is not a good immortal and he also told her to use the demon reflection mirror but she refused to lesson. Then one night Medusa did a demon-revealing spell on every mirror in Chriszen's house then he called her best friend to the house and at that moment chriszen just saw with bare eyes the reflection of her best friend and she felt so betrayed by someone that she had shared a connection with for 4 years. Then she apologises to Medusa for all of her past mistakes.

The number 9 past moment takes place in the year 2014 when lovisa was only 40 years old and in the same year she lost her ex-husband husband(Chad) and her 3 years old baby girl(Natalie) to heart Cancer. Lovisa was so emotional for a year just moaning for her baby girl that she loved so much, all of her family and friends went to confront and encourage her to get back on her feet and keep moving forward even though it hurts deep down that she even thought of taking her own life just so she could join her baby girl in heaven but her leader and the person who she looked up to as her older brother( Legacy) took her hand and said" my dear lovisa I understand how you are feeling now the pain that you hold in you for this past year and I know that your baby girl does not want to see her mommy hurting and blaming herself like this because sometimes in life everyone has to live with some painful memories that they will not forget but they will always pull themselves up to live for another day so my dear I think that you should give yourself another chance in this life and never give up that fast okay" then he kisses her forehead and left her side. The next morning, she got up and started to take that second and live her life to the fullest with her family by her side.

Number 8 past moment takes place in 2070 when Andrew and October accidentally created a dark green fog outside of the village shield and a mist-filled inside of the whole village shield. Plus on that day itself, they almost lost their own lives by doing an unsupervised binding of their power. Even though they did lose their powers and lives for a short period but luckily their family found a way to restore their powers and lives as time goes by Andrew and October learn how to control their powers and they also learn how to combine their guidance from their Father and Aunties. Then they did try to use a combination of their powers toward their father went he was an evil hybrid demon, but it only knocked him out for a short period but did not turn him back to his original self.

Number 7 past moment takes place in 1983 when legacy's son and daughter were going to their first prom dance and he was one of the teachers at the school so he gets to witness his babies dancing with their prom dates. Then the next day he took all 4 of them to the small island for a diving activity and all of them caught a few sea shells, plus some seafood for their lunch and dinner then legacy thought the 4 of them how to cook their lunch and dinner with only using banana leaves to wrap up the seafood and to start a bound fire the moment they spent at the island was one of the best memories they had as a family. Even though October and Andrew did not end up with their prom dates but they had spent one of the best quality time as a family. 1 week later, legacy got exciting news from the ancient Gods that they had invited him to receive their hall of fame awards for one of the most powerful elements controlled in his village and ranked immortal leadership. So he informed his family about the news and they were excited about his accomplishment he packed his thing and left for the annual hall of the fame awards ceremony.

Next was a past moment number 6 and it took place in the year 2059 when Arden and Chriszen had a big wrong road trip to the ice Mountain for 3 days and 2 nights of the holiday just to catch up with each other. So on a Friday morning, they both had eggs and bacon at the cafe nearby they're the city park, and then they went back home to move all of their luggage to the car then they left for the trip to the ice mountain and went they about to reach there suddenly a mountain cat just stop in the middle of the road and they stirred different directions but crash into the side of the hill and luckily no one was injured but Arden car was slightly damaged due to the crashed but they managed to reach the ice Mountain in one piece. Then they started to set up the tent in the middle of the ice mountain view, then Arden went hunting for something to eat for their dinner. Meanwhile, Chriszen was disturbed by a cyclops and it wanted to make her his dinner but she fought for her life and she won the fight by killing the cyclops, then Arden came back and she told him everything which happened earlier went he was away. But all he could do at that moment was giggle because he had no idea why... So Arden was preparing dinner and suddenly a mountain cat ran through the bound of fire but luckily the dinner was fine and the both of them just laugh about it while eating their dinner. The next
day, they decided to go back home because it was not a good idea to go to the ice mountain for a bounding trip/ holiday trip.

To Be Continued.....

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