Chapter17- Say (YES) week.

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A month after the family went for a trip to Fantasy Island and came back to their village and just continue planning for their village's special events and small family events too. Then Legacy went to his basement and took a few of the protection and healing potions for the gipilus because they will be going out of space to find mythical eggs that are hidden in the space so Legacy gave them the potions to drink before they head for their first mission out of space and return after a week time.

Meanwhile, Chriszen and Arden were gathering all of the colourful rose petals for the family event that legacy had planned for them and February, March, August and October went to the city market to buy some fruits, chocolates and 20 packs of colourful balloons for the village event which is also planned by Legacy himself. After Legacy was done with providing the potions to all of the gipilus then he went back to his basement and began to create the flyers for the village event on the same night he will hand them out to the whole village and the city.

While everyone was busy playing their part for the preparation of the upcoming two events and the Hybrid teenagers decided to go for a 3 days 2 nights trip to the snow mountain but they know that Legacy would not allow them to go without any adult to guide them so they try to ask for his permission and from far legacy saw them coming so he already knows that they want something from him so he also relies that when every time they want to ask for his permission to do something or to go somewhere he would always say no to all of their requests. So he decided to make a deal with everyone just for that whole week they could only say Y.E.S to everything but it must be safe.

So after Legacy had told everyone that for the whole week they must say YES to everything but it has to be safe and not kill anyone. So the hybrid teenagers were happy to hear that they are allowed to go on the Snow Mountain trip for 3 days and 2 nights and return in time before the 2 events take place.
Meanwhile, Andrew, Olsen, Jungkook and Medusa were in the farmhouse working on their special homemade weapons for the civilian of the village so went a monster or demon tries to interfere with their village they can protect it with the special homemade weapons, so they made 8 different weapons 1st was a duel crossbow with 500 voltages arrows and 50 poison triangle blades, 2nd was a galaxy serpent boomerang, 3rd was a yin & yang shield with a single hit on the ground it could expand the protection to 250 meters from where you are standing and it also has 5 layers of protection, 4th was an echo calming gun with a shooting range of 300 meters from where you are standing. 5th was a rainbow lightning bolt with a gipilus blood sword to eliminate all monsters and demons with one slash. 6th was a bow and arrow made out of branches and a cloning potion so when they shoot then it will split into 5 arrows and eliminate the target. 7th was a 5 inches claw glove with poison that can eliminate all enemies with one scratch. Lastly, the 8th weapon was capturing demons and monsters deck of cards made out of sapphire crystal and capturing potion. Each one of them made 2 weapons and they called legacy to check it out was hoping for his approval for all of the weapons, so he said that he would approve all of them if they can demonstrate how it works and if it functions properly then only he will give them his approval but if it does not work well then they are grounded for tempting with unauthorised potions and equipment so they agreed to his term and continue to finish up their work and he gave them 3 weeks to practice their homemade weapons before giving it to the civilian.


Legacy was prepared to go and hand out the flyers to the whole city and villages so he brought a few portal potions with him so he could finish his work before 6 in the morning. While legacy was away his son and daughter went to the basement to create their very own first homemade potion by using their powers but without the full knowledge making a potion with their power could be a dangerous move and one wrong move can accidently create a dangerous demon or even worse they could create powerful suction and leave them powerless. So they had watched their father create potions and poisons for many years plus they have learned a few ingredients that they can use for the potion and these are the ingredients that they needed to make their very first homemade potion( yellow and white rose petals, 3 cups of water, fine red sapphire crystal powder, 2 cloves, 1 cup of Griffin blood, 1 cup of gipilus saliva and 3 strips of 3 generations hair from baby, teenagers and adult) then they started making the potion and 2 an half hours later, they finished making their very first potion than to seal the potion they used their powers but they did not know what is the potion for and have not come up with a name for it so they kept it aside from their father and family members knowing.

1 hour later, Legacy just came back from handing out the flyers, then he straight away went to his basement because felt the sense of unauthorised magic potion coming strongly from the basement itself so he also found traces of ingredients were mixed in the potion and he already suspects that it was his son and daughter doing but he has no idea what or who is the potion for and why didn't they ask for permission or help or at least clean the place up so there will be no evidence of them in the basement making potions.

Next morning,

Legacy was waiting for his son and daughter to confess and apologised for creating an unauthorised potion that could accidentally put their own lives in major danger and could also create a unique but dangerous demon or monster, so he just wait for hours until the potion which they had created suddenly exploded and the potion became slimy sticky but it smells like mixed berries with a touch of cinnamon so legacy went to check it out and saw that his entire basement was slimy and sticky than he called him a s son and daughter to clean it up and if next time they want to create their first homemade potion they need to know what it's for and who is it for plus you must always check if the potion has any side effects or it's interaction with a human.

While October and Andrew were cleaning up their mess then suddenly there was an earthquake which hit the whole village and the city too. Then after the earthquake hit them twice a loud rawr sound came from the forest and the sound was getting louder as it was coming closer than from far Cinovac could see the monster tail but can't see the full image of what the monster looked like, but Honey May can sense which monster is it then she immediately told everyone to hide in the farmhouse and wait until everything is done.

To Be Continue.....

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