Dylans revenge

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Dylan's POV

i was walking to the mall because i was pretty hungry i remembered me and selena always eats at mcdonalds then i realize i want some fries so i walked to mcdonalds then i see him! I really got mad at this point not because his Selena's boyfriend but i think his cheating on selena, selena dont deserve this! I take a picture of him with hailey, hailey is pretty much close to him and send it to sel

Dylan: hey look at your boyfriend

Then i walked away i dont want to talk with that fuckboy. While i was on my way home i realize sel replied to my text

Sel: is that photoshopped?! Dylan please dont try to ruin our relationship
Dylan: do you think its photoshop? Why dont you ask your boyfriend where is

Selena's POV

Dylan: do you think its photoshop? Why dont you ask your boyfriend where is

Dylan texted back then i realize his at mcdonalds buying food for me, tear just fell i dont know what to do i mean we're like 2 days dating and he's cheating on me already! Omg i just got out of my house i think i need some fresh air then i saw dylan and he came to me and hugged me tight "shh stop crying im sorry" he said making me feel protected "no dont be its not your fault" i said then he kissed my forehead

While Dylan's hugging me i heard someone came up to us and punched dylan "hey stop kissing my girlfriend!" Then dylan is on the ground i then realize its justin "hey stop it!" I yelled at justin "why?! Because you liked him too?!" Justin said angrily "shut the fuck up man! You're the one cheating on her!" Dylan said in a high pitched voice "im never gonna cheat on selena!" Justin said defending himself, then anger just got in to me and showed him the picture "then what the fuck is this justin?!" I said crying "are you cheating on me already?!" He was just shocked "no babe listen to me" but before he could finish his words i cut him off "no save it! I dont want all this drama" then i ran back to my house and i heard him "sel its not what you think!"

I didnt know what to do i just cried, i checked my phone and its already 8 pm im done packing my stuff i dont know whats gonna happened tomorrow, i dont want to see justin with hailey but im still mad at him so i just sleep.


Everything is ready im waiting for the bus because the bus is gonna pick all of us then when i heard the bus i got out and said my goodbyes to my mom "bye mom" i said kissing her "bye sweetheart be careful!" She said "i will!" I said while im on the door then i see dylan and justin i didn't look at them i just got inside the bus and i can see everyones here even the bitch

I sit besides holland "hey girl" she said "hey" i said in a sad tone "hey what happened?" She asked concern "i just didnt sleep well last night" i said fake smiling "oh really? Then why are you sitting with me not your boyfriend" she said pointing at justin who sit besides logan thank god he sit beside logan not the bitch, "oh i just want some girl talk you know" i said "oh okay btw do you like my nail polish" she said showing me her finger nails "yeah its cute! I love it!" I said smiling its color green and thats my favorite color!

The ride went on then i felt someone waking me up "hey sel where at the airport wake up" holland said shaking my shoulders, i then opened my eyes "oh did i fell asleep?" I asked "what'd you think?" She said raising her eyebrows "come on girl they're gonna leave us!" Holland said in a hurry, i stand up and we walked out of the bus then we walked inside the airport i cant see everyones here and i can see hailey and kendall staring at justin i hate them! Ugh we took a sit for a while because the plane is not gonna leave yet "hey i need to go to the bathroom be right back" holland said then leave, then i see justin walking towards me then he sits beside me "please let me explain?" He said "okay" i said not looking at him "babe she came to me i promise i was just about to left to go to your house then she came to me and she's telling me that she's my girlfriend, she's crazy! I dont like her babe" he said and with that i think he's about to cry i think i believe him then i look at his eyes i can tell his telling the truth then i finally spoke "i believe you" then he smile and kissed my forehead and he grab my hands and intertwined our fingers i love him so much i dont want to let him go "i love you so much selena" he said whispering to my ears "i love you too justin"

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