Ryan's here

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Justin's POV

ryan is finally here, i cant believe that his here what will i tell my friends about him about me what if they judge me,fuck my mind is all messed up until ryan spoke "hey man can i meet your friends now? You've been keeping me here since forever" oh my god i forgot that his even here "yah sure ill let them meet you tomorrow after class" i answered.

i got a text from selena

selena<3 : hey babe can we grab some food?
Justin : sorry babe kinda busy busy today maybe tomorrow?
selena<3 : yah sure

I cant leave ryan here all by himself im still thiking how will i introduce him to selena.

Selena's POV

thats weird justin never bailed on me but whatever maybe he's making some chemistry or history project ill just ask dylan

selena : hey dyl can you come with me and grab some foods?
dyl : yah sure im on my way there
selena : yay thanks

then someone knocks on the door and when i opened it of-course its dylan "cmon" he said then i closed the door behind me and hop inside his car "why aren't you with your boyfriend?" He asked " he's kinda busy with something" i answered a little sad "really?! When does he becomes busy?! Haha" dylan said in a sarcastic way "dylan!" I replied laughing, dylan always makes me smile thats why i love him for being my bestfriend.

we finally reached my favorite place on earth MCDONALDS!!!❤️ i fuckin love this plays! "What do you want do eat?" Dylan asked me "ill have some mcnuggets and some mcflurry please" i said in a cute way "your so cute when you do that" dylan said laughing, his so cute when his laughing then i just got a text from holland

holland : hey are you busy?
selena : not really why?
holland : nothing i just wanna hang out
selena : yah sure im with dylan right now

Then dylan spoke "who are you texting? Biebs?" "No its just holland" i answered awkwardly

*we went home and dylan got home*

i heared my phone buzz someone tweeted me and i opened my twitter

@dylanobrien : thankyou for today @selenagomez had so much fun with u 😚

i smiled on Dylan's tweet he's such a girl then i replied "@dylanobrien ur welcome i also had fun tho 😂"

Justin's POV

screw ryan i think selena will understand why i lied to her about working at a illegal business, if she really love me she will understand my situation. Because i was seriously bored ryan is sleeping i opened my twitter and saw dylan's tweet, i was really angry at this point i wanna punch dylan in the face i quickly texted selena

justin : why are you with dylan?
selena<3 : i was really hungry you said you were busy
justin : why didnt you just ask taylor or vanessa
selena<3 : dylan is also my bestfriend justin you know that
justin : but you know that i dont like him
selena<3 : i cant just stop talking to him because you dont like him justin, his my bestfriend since birth and he has a really big part in my life justin

I was really jealous at this point i just wanna die. I went to the park because i dont wanna be mad for the whole day because of dylan, while walking i saw kendall but i just ignored her i dont even know her that well i just sat kn the bench.

Then i felt someone sat beside me and when i look who sat besdie me its kendall wow shes fast "hi" she said "hi" i said turning my head on the other side this is kinda awkward "uhm i have class with you chemistry? Right?" She said "yeah chemistry" i replied this is pretty awkward "hey i better get going my girlfriend is probably looking for me" i said out of nowhere "you have a girlfriend?!" She said in a shocked tone "yeah selena bye" i said walking off then i heard her shout "see you in chemistry!" I ignored her.

Kendall's POV

"Hey i better get going my girlfriend is probably looking for me" justin said but wait i dont want him to leave i know that i looked stupid sitting beside him ugh :( but wait did he just said he has a girlfriend?! What?! "You have a girlfriend?!" I said in a high tone "yeah selena bye" he said walking off :( but i still want to talk to him well selena is very pretty and nice she is also famous in our school "see you in chemistry!" I shouted but he ignored me, i know that i dont have a chance with him but i just like him a lot :(

*the next day*

Selena's POV

I was walking in our schools hallway with vanessa "justins not texting me" i said in a sad tone "oh honey maybe he's just busy? Dont think about bad things" she said comforting me "yeah i know i just think that his still mad about me and dylan i mean his my bestfriend!"

Interrupting our conversation cameron appeared in my vision "hey guys" cam said "hey wassup?" I said "haven't seen justin and logan?" Cam asked "nope" vanessa replied "why? Is justin not around?" I asked curiously "cmon lets just grab some foods" vanessa said

Justin's POV

I didnt go to school today because i dont want ryan to be alone and some guy is bothering me he keeps texting me to give him his money i dont even know him "hey man dont think about that i think our boss can think of a solution about that" Ryan said then i got a phone call from unknown i answered it

"Give me back my money bieber! You owe me 250 thousand dollars!" The man said very mad "what the fuck?! I owe you nothing! I dont even know you!" I said very confused "im ricardo gomez! And your father owe me 250 thousand dollars and you better give that to me ASAP! I know where you live bieber i know everything about you so you better give me my money" then he ended the conversation

What the fuck?! Who is he?! What if he hurt one of my family? I didnt know my father owe someone something the fuck!!! What if he hurt selena? Ill never let them touch my selena!

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