ricardo is back

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Selena's POV

i was disturb by the noise i was hearing downstairs im hearing two people talking loudly and by my curiosity i went downstairs to look whats happening and i didn't expect that he was the one who's gonna appear in front of my eyes, i think they heard me when im coming downstairs, so their attention was on me.

I dont know what to say, i was speechless i haven't seen him in a long time, i was very shocked "dad?!" I asked staying in the same position when i headed downstairs "selena my baby i missed you" he said in a teary eye, he attempt to come near me but i moved back. I think his gonna hug me but all i can think about was anger, i was really mad at him for leaving me and my mom for seven years i think me and my mom are alone we take care of ourselves because he wasn't there to help us.

My eyes got teary and i didn't know what to do i just ran upstairs and i heard my mom shouted "honey!" But i didn't look  back, i don't know if im gonna be happy that his back or mad because after seven years i can blame him for all the suffers that me and my mom had been from. i need justin right now but i know his mad at me i dont know what to do 😭😭😭

i texted justin & demi

selena : babe? Are you still mad at me? Please textback i need you right now 😞

selena : hey dems r u busy?

I've been waiting for their replys for like 3 minutes

Justin's POV

damn i miss selena so much i wish i was with her right now, i cant even call her because my phones dead and ryans using my charger dammit, ill just go to her house

i was in the front door of Selena's house and when someone finally came to open the door i saw someone unfamiliar, it was a man?! who is he?! Selena's dad?! i dont think so "may i help you?" The man asked but then mandy saw me and interrupted "hi justin! Selena's upstairs in her bedroom just go there i think she needs you right now" mandy said smiling and i smiled back and said thanks

By that i went upstairs to see selena and knocked on her door, nothing responded so i tried to opened the door and its not locked so i went inside and saw selena crying ..

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