Chapter 10

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Everyone's morning was going like it normally would, all the boys were brushing their teeth, doing their hair or getting dressed. Except for Clayton who couldn't help but notice that Jack and John didn't seem to be stuck to each other like they were every other morning, only giving each other little looks like they wanted to do something but were choosing not to.

He also noticed and remembered that Justice was wearing Masterson's shirt. He knew it wasn't his place and he shouldn't care if Justice was wearing Jay's shirt but something about it was really bugging him and it was clearly showing on his face. Clayton was giving Justice a dirty look as he stood at the sink talking to Cam while he brushed his teeth.

He didn't mean to show a look of distaste on his face but he was and Masterson took notice of it very quickly, he used it as opportunity to ask Clayton how he feeling about Justice wearing his shirt. "Hey Clay are you okay? You feeling sick or something?" That was Jay's way of letting him know he had this look on his face like he wanted to throw up.

"Did his laundry get lost or something ?" Clayton whispered and just straight up asked. Masterson was really shocked, he didn't think Clay would be bold enough to ask that.

Laundry is done every Sunday at the school, all the bunks are scheduled to wash their clothes at different times so their is no mix up and it very rare for someone's clothes to be lost.

"No, are you asking about Justice?" "Yea did his laundry get lost or something and that's why he's wearing your shirt" Clayton couldn't even hide the tone of jealousy in his voice and this is what let Masterson know that Clayton is being serious right now and that Justice wearing his shirt is really getting to Clay.

"No, he just asked if he could borrow one of my shirts" Jay said with a bit of confusion in his voice because honestly he was a little confused. Why wouldn't Clayton ask him this in private? Why in front of the rest of the boys? Did he really care this much about a shirt?

"Hey let's go talk outside I can tell this is really upsetting you" Jay went to grab Clayton by this wrist to take him outside but Clayton slapped his hand away and quickly cleared his throat. At this point all the other boys had stopped what they where doing to look over at him and Jay talking.

Clayton didn't like that, he didn't want the other boys to see him acting this way about something he shouldn't even care about but he couldn't hide it, this was seriously getting to him and he knew the others would tease him about this if he kept acting this way about at shirt.

"Okay, at least go outside to get some fresh air you look a little red" Masterson decided to whisper that into Clayton's ear. He could tell all the boys looking at them was making him very flustered. Clayton just nodded and made his way to the door.

Jay quickly decided to ignore the others and just go outside to talk to Clay. Little did Jay know Clayton was actually outside questioning everything that just happened. Why did he care so much about Justice borrowing Jay's shirt? Why was he acting this way? Did he really hate the idea of other people wearing Jay's clothes?

It's not like he and Jay are in a relationship and he let another person wear his clothes, "it's not that deep" as his girlfriend Lauren would say. For some reason he could hear her voice in his head right now. Clayton hadn't thought about his girlfriend in weeks, in fact he hasn't even written her a letter yet like he promised.

She's just never on mind anymore. Does he not like her or care about her anymore? "Of course I care about her, she's my girlfriend" Clayton thought to himself.

Just then Masterson opened the door, stopping Clay's thoughts. "Hey" was all he could say when he made it outside to talk to Clayton. "Look I'm sorry I just wanted to know if something happened with his laundry and that's why he was wearing your shirt or-" "it's okay, you were probably wondering if your clothes would get lost here or something" Jay said kinda making fun of him, he knew that wasn't the reason Clay was this upset but it was nice to see Clay's reaction to that bullshit excuse.

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