Chapter 9

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The rest of the boys in the bunk were playing poker
while Clayton dragged Masterson to the stalls at the back of the bunk. "Told you I didn't cheat in that last game, if that's what you're dragging me in here for" Masterson defends himself after beating all the boys two times in a row. "I know you're not lying about that but you lied to me about something else" Clayton quickly changes the topic to what he dragged Masterson into the bathroom for in the first place, him lying about Clayton being the only person in the bunk that knows his real name.

"What else could I have lied to you about"? A look of confusion on Masterson's face "you told me I was the only one in the bunk who knew your real name, earlier Jack called you Jay". Theirs two ways I could play this Masterson thought. Play it cool and tell Clayton he's overreacting over a name or play it up a bit and fuck with Clayton a little, he quickly decided to just do both.

"I get that I lied to you but it's not that serious, why are you acting this way about my name and who knows and who doesn't" he just stood there looking at Jay, he had a point and Clayton really wished he thought about that before he dragged Jay into the bathroom but it was too late they were already in the bathroom and having this very stupid conversation.

"I just thought you were trying to get closer to me and trying to be my friend by telling me a secret" yeah that's it, that's the best excuse Clayton could come up with in the moment "oh I think we're already pretty close, don't you remember I've seen your d-" Clayton cut him off by putting his hand over Jay's mouth "that's not funny" his tone of voice changing a little to sound a little more threatening.

Jay looked down at Clayton in a way of silently telling him to get his hand off his mouth "sorry if you don't want to talk about that anymore we don't have to" Jay was laughing a little but Clayton wasn't budging. Just then Jay thought it would be a good time to tease Clay a little by looking down at his dick a couple of times and looking back up at him.

To be honest Jay thinks about that night a lot and he doesn't hate to admit it, the flashbacks of him jerking Clay off in the bathroom that night were quickly added to his spank bank after it happened.

"Hey stop that" Clay says snapping Jay at of glance he was holding on his pants, he didn't even realize he was looking for that long. Just then Jay decided to be bold, he walked up to him slowly with a look on his face he likes to call "we're about to fuck" it the look he uses to tell the boys well...."we're about to fuck"

Jay's heart was beating so fast because he didn't know how Clay would react to was he was about to do but it was already to late. His face was maybe 3 inches away from Clayton's face as he said "or what last time we were in here alone you didn't ask me to stop" Clayton couldn't even say anything because it was true.

Just then Jay took his hand and touched Clayton's dick over his pants, lowering his eyes a little as he watched his hand rest there then he looked back up at Clayton. "Seems like anytime we're in here alone you can never ask me to stop, why is that?" Nothing but silence, Masterson hated silence after he asked one of his boys a question.

He applied a little more pressure on where his hand was resting and Clayton's breath hitched a little "answer me" Masterson asked him looking right into his eyes, Clayton gasped a little bit the only time he's seen Masterson act this way was when he had to, he never treated the boys like that in private. "I don't know"

Just then something happened that Masterson and Clay never thought would happen. He could feel Clayton's dick pulse under his hand, he was getting hard. Jay couldn't believe it, he just wanted to fuck with Clay a little not make him hard but hey he'll take it as a bonus.

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