Chapter 7

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Here's a wallpaper I made of Jin from BTS muster, it a little bit too big but I like it so it my lock Screen right now(yessss Jin is my bias)

I just want to say I'm so sorry for the wait on this new chapter, I recently got accepted into a college dance program so I've been preparing for that and I've also been helping my mom move out (I know that sounds weird) but without further a due here is chapter 7.

Btw guys I broke another nail but it's on the other hand so I'm not gonna cut all my nails off (also stream butter and stan BTS for clear skin)

John's POV

"Well I for one don't think we should be taking it so slow and easy on him, I think we need to make some major moves and make them fast" I said to Cam, Justice and Jack while still brushing my teeth "uhh John can you stop talking and brushing your teeth at the same time it's so disgusting and you know it makes me gag" Justice whined. He's been whining a lot lately, maybe because we haven't fucked in weeks because Clay is here but I have a feeling we'll have him soon and the sooner we do the faster we can get a dick up Justice's ass to stop all of his consistent whining.

"That's not the only thing you gag on" Cam says with a huge grin on his face, we should have seen that one coming Justice kinda walked right into that one. "Ha ha ha very funny" Justice turned away from us at the sinks and started heading towards the stalls "come on you know I was just kidding come here" Cam said while chasing after Justice into the stalls. "So what do you think we should do? You know to move things along" Jack had a serious look of curiosity on his face, "well I have a plan but I don't think the others will be on board" Jack tilts his head to the side with a bit of confusion. "Why not? Jay put you in charge of the whole Clayton situation so do what you want, just tell the other guys first."

Jack had a point, Jay had given me a very important roll, which means he trust me and I have to honor that. "You're right Jack, I really needed that, tanks you sweetie" I gave him a quick kiss on the lips before we quietly called for Justice and Cam do I could tell them my plan.

Justice and Cam walked over with the stupidest grins on their faces and you could clearly see that there lips were a little swollen from making out. "Oh so we just make out and not invite anyone to join anymore" I say while rolling my eyes. I wasn't that hurt about it, this happens all the time with those two. They go off and do their own thing never try and ask anyone else if they want to join but we all know Cam really likes Justice, in the same way Jack likes me so we let Cam have his alone time with him sometimes but every once in a while it wouldn't kill them to add another person to the party.

"Sorry, we'll come get you next time I swear" Justice says quietly before kissing me on the lips. To be honest he isn't my favorite one to kiss but only because he's too much like me, I like someone that's the complete opposite of me. We're both submissive power bottoms, he claims to be a switch but I haven't been seeing him do a whole lot of switching lately, he just lays on his back like me all the time and I can tell he likes bottoming way more than topping anyway.

"So what's the plan?" Cam asked still smirking like a villain, " I don't think you guys are gonna like it but I think me and Jack should just be more physical in front of him, he already knows about me Jack's relationship so why keep trying to hide it?" Everyone nodded in agreement, "that's actually a good plan but why would we hate it?" Jack asked me but his eyes were clearly look at Justice while he brushed his teeth.

I don't hate the idea of Jack liking someone else the way he likes me, when were together seriously I always wanted to add someone new to the mix but Cam likes Justice and Jack has to respect that.

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