ch 1

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The first day of school rolled around quicker than Kayla would've like. A knock from the door woke the teen up from her sleep casing her to sit up groaning.
"Kayla it's time to get up" Zach's voice called out behind the closed door before he walked away to go back down stairs

Kayla rolled over looking at her alarm clock seeing a green '6:50am' before she rolled her eyes and threw the covers off her body. The Daniels-Salvatore stood up and made her way over to her dresser where she had her clothes for the day hung up.
Kayla grabbed her clothes, turned on her speaker hearing "The Tide is High" by atomic kitten" play and made her way to her bathroom to start getting ready .

Kayla grabbed her clothes, turned on her speaker hearing "The Tide is High" by atomic kitten" play and made her way to her bathroom to start getting ready

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Meanwhile, down stairs Zach walked back upstairs from being in the basement. He walked into the kitchen and began making Kayla's usual tea adding the herb 'Verbena Officinalis'.

As Zach was adding honey to the two cups of tea his phone rang.
"Hey Liz. No Kayla just woke up" Zach chuckled sipping his tea before nodding as his smile faded
"Yea It's all growing, I'll be sure to get it to you as fast as I can."

The sound of the floor board from the foyer stairs creaking caused Zach to turn around seeing Kayla walk into the kitchen texting on her phone
"Hey Zach. Is that Liz? Tell her I say "Hi"" Kayla greeted as she grabbed her tea and bowl of strawberries and sugar.

"I'll call you later Liz. Kayla says "Hi". Of course. Bye" Zach hung up the phone and grabbed his mug sighing
"You good Zach?" Kayla rose her eyebrow as she leaned against the counter

"Yea I'm good kid. You ready for your first day of Junior year?" Zach smiled at his daughter as he opened his mail
Kayla playfully rolled her eyes with a smile "As excited as I can be I guess"
"Before you leave and grab your backpack let me get the camera to take a photo"

"Zach really?" The teen girl threw her head back
"Yes really! It's going in the photo album along with the other. One day you'll look back at it and be glad we had you take these" Zach reach other and shook the girl by her shoulders jokingly.
"Now come one, let's get your bag so you won't be late"

"I have my bag"
Zach turned around looking for the backpack only seeing the handbag and frowned.
"that's a purse"
"it's got pencils in it"
"Kayla" Zach massaged his forehead pausing before continuing "You need more than just pencils"

"Technically I don't need more than just a pencil. It's the first week and we never do anything in person other than catch up on our summers and read the syllabi" Kayla replied as she finished her strawberries and placed the bowl in the sink

Zach rolled his eyes "Whatever just come take the picture"
"Hey now, you keep rolling those and they'll get stuck"
"Says you"

Kayla stood in front of the Salvatore Boarding house door with her hands on her hips and big smile. The same exact pose she'd done every year since she was 5 heading to kindergarten.

"Im gonna get these developed in different sizes" Zach smiled as he clicked the camera shutter button
"Okay okay, Im gonna be late"
"One more, me and you" Zach moved beside Kayla holding the camera in the air as the girl bit back a smile and squeezed into the frame throwing up bunny ears behind her father figures head
"Say cheese!"
"You are so cheesy"

Zach smiled at the photo before giving kayla a kiss on the forehead "Have a good day kid"
Kayla smiled "You too. Is Stefan not riding with me?"
"Uh no. He uh...he already left"
"Dang he doesn't wanna spend time with his cousin" Kayla joked as she grabbed her keys and waved bye to Zach heading to her White Toyota Celica.

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