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Kayla gets out the car and separates from Stefan who goes to look for Elena and/or Vicki but not before he tells her to stay away from whatever drink she's been saying Tyler was making tonight

As the girl walks around she spots her three friends "If it isn't the powerpuff girls'"

The three high schoolers turn their head to the girl
Caroline leaned towards Bonnie and whispered "Who's who?"

"Kayla! Boxing gloves around the neck?" Tyler raises an eye brown as he holds 2 cups

"I'm a tooth fairy, I take teeth" Kayla shrugs
"I hope you don't see anybody who owes you money"
"Shut up Tyler. I don't lend out money"

The girl gets ready to bring her fist to his shoulder when Caroline calls out "Wait! He's holding the drinks!"

Tyler chuckles and begins to hand them out "Cider for the ladies. Caroline and Bonnie first, then i'll got get the boxer and myself one"

Glaring Kayla goes to step around Caroline who stood partially in front of her so she could protect the red solo cups
"I'll dead jump you and make it look like an accident Lockwood"

Bonnie rolls her eyes and shakes her head "Nah, no way. Last year I was hung over till Thanksgiving"

Kayla and Caroline made eye contact and spoke in unison "Lightweight"

"Me personally, I am going to drink until someone is hot enough to make out with"

Caroline raises her cup and proceeds to drink it while Tyler gestures the second one towards Kayla who shakes her head no

The Lockwood then shrugs before sipping it himself "Sounds like a plan"

"Y'all are alcoholics. Like for real"
"Big B, just vibe"

Kayla loops her arm with Bonnie and watches the twisted expression Tyler and Caroline make at the taste of their drink "It probably taste just as bad as last year honestly, so let up go find something else Clyde"
"Hey don't knock the cider. This got us through some hard times freshman summer"

Kayla eyeballed Tyler with a frown "Maybe it got you and Matt through some hard times but us recreational drinkers were not casually drinking that motor oil"

"You gotta be the biggest hater I know KD" Tyler shakes his head as he leaves the three girls and heads towards a teammate from football

Bonnie chuckles as the three girls head towards a food truck "So I heard from a little bird you were meeting somebody here"

Kayla's eyes shoot to Caroline who looks off and sips her drink again as she walks to the food stand to place an order

"That little bird you know is talkative as hell but yes we are meeting up"
"Is it like a date?"

"A date? To school? Come on now. Don't do me. I have standards"

Bonnie grins "Right my fault Kayla"

The girl smiles "I'll let it slide if you wash my hair sometime next week for me"

Bonnie's grin faded quickly "I don't even like washing mine, I always ask grams to do it"
"So ask her for me"
"If you don't just ask her yourself!"
"No, she won't do us both! It's either your head or mine but not both and I have a new style booked already! You just plan to straighten it anyways"

Bonnie crosses her arms "Just ask one of your cousins or something"

Kayla then crossed her arms too with a glare "How dare you even suggest that! You know damn well I will not be letting Stefan NOR Damon touch my hair. They can't even so much as put a doo-doo braid in my hair after it's been washed. Ion even know what their wash routine looks like, hell if they even wash it"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2024 ⏰

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