ch 21

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"And so I yanked her to the ground, I didn't body slam her, despite all them drugs she actually heavy as hell so it wouldn't have even been possible if I wanted to"

Kayla ranted as she walked up the stairs in between Caroline and Damon with their arms linked

"I've heard you hit like a dude, I think you could do it" Damon said as he glanced around the Lockwood home

Caroline and Kayla's eyes snapped towards the oldest Salvatore with glares
"Kayla does not hit like a dude-"
"Thank you-"
"She merely hits like a body building women"

"Fuck both y'all" Kayla rolls her eyes and yanks her arm away from the two as the step up to Carol who opens her arms with a smile

"Kayla! Caroline! You both look smashing"

Kayla smiled in thanks as she's pulled into a hug

"Thank you, Mrs. Lockwood" Caroline grins as Damon clears his throat still standing outside the home beside the blonde Forbes

"Um this is Damon" Caroline starts as Kayla stands beside Carol and gestures towards the male "Oh you probably haven't met him yet. This is my cousin, Damon. Damon, Carol Lockwood. Carol, Damon Salvatore"

Carol smiles "Oh, well, come on in"

"Lovely to meet you. I've been looking forward to this party for quite a while, getting to meet the family who cares so much for my baby cousin" Damon grins as he steps into the house, eyes not leaving the eyes of Carol.

Carol's smile falls a bit before perking back up before anyone noticed it. Carol glanced at Kayla who was already looking at her with her usual blank face and chuckled as her eyes met Damon's again

"Well, Kayla and Tyler have friends for so long, she may as well be apart of the family"
"Oh I bet"
"Hmm well, enjoy"

Carol waves the three off and turns to greet the next guests

Damon wraps his arm around Kayla and smiles at Caroline "Let's get a drink"

Caroline smiles back before seeing Kayla's eyes shift from Carol to Damon. The blonde tilts her head and goes to question her friends about face when she makes eye contact with her mom "Ill catch up with you guys later"

Caroline walks off as Kayla looks up at Damon who was nodding his head to the classical music
"Love this song, it's so instrumental"

Kayla shakes her head "It's Beethoven? It's only instrumental"


Later Kayla, Caroline, Elena, Stefan and Damon are together viewing some of the memorabilia

""The founding families in Mystic Falls welcomes you to the inaugural founder's council celebration." Wow, look, it's the original guest registry. Look at all these familiar names—Sheriff William Forbes, Mayor Benjamin Lockwood. Is that Damon Salvatore? And, Stefan Salvatore?" Elena reads the registry before looking up in confusion

"The original Salvatore brothers. Our ancestors. Tragic story, actually."

"Y'all are juniors? Didn't Damon fight in the confederacy?" Kayla questions as she glanced at the date on the registry

"He didn't want to" Damon snaps as Stefan glances at him
"My bad-" Kayla brings her hands up in defense before continuing "Didn't mean to personally offend you Damon junior"

Rolling his Damon scoffs "I'm not offended, I just- read in his journal that his father forced him to go fight in the war and do something "honorable" was that or...he didn't have a choice"
"Okay" Kayla bit her lip and nodded before going to sit beside Caroline as Stefan spoke up
"We don't need to bore them with stories of the past"

Shaking her head Elena tapped his shoulder "It's not boring, Stefan. I'd love to hear more about your family"

Rolling her eyes Caroline leans her head on Kayla's shoulder "Well, I'm bored. I want to dance. And Damon won't dance with me"

"Mm-hmm" Damon sips his drink as Caroline stood up and stepped towards Stefan
"Could I just borrow your date?"
"Oh, uh..."
"I don't really dance"

Damon glanced up in 'shock' "Oh, sure he does. You should see him. Waltz, the jitterbug, the moonwalk. He does it all."

Kayla snorts "Moonwalk? Please, do it"

"You wouldn't mind, would you, Elena?"
"It's up to Stefan"
"Well sorry, but I'm not going to take no for an answer"

As Caroline drags Stefan out Kayla stands up and follows laughing "I can get the DJ to play billie jean, please do it"
"I'm not moonwalking Kayla"


Kayla separated from Caroline and Stefan to go find the DJ and make the next song Michael Jackson.

When she found the two about 5 minutes later, they were standing holding glasses of champagne with Stefan watching Caroline drink

"Stefan!" Kayla called out as the song she requested started playing

Hearing his name the Salvatore looked up before his ears registered the song "No"
"Please" Kayla clasped her hands together
"Do the damn dance"

Rolling his eyes Stefan drank the glass of champagne like a shot and handed the glass to his cousin before moonwalking to the beat as Kayla smiled with joy patting Caroline's arm as he did it

"You do it so good!" Caroline cheered
"Do the kick next" Kayla grinned causing Stefan to stop and point at her as he fought back a smile
"Now your pushing it"

"Boo, your lame" Kayla said as she held up a thumbs down
"You moonwalk then Kayla"
"In these heels? No thanks"

"Kayla's actually really good at moonwalking" Caroline chimes in as she sips her next glass
"We'll then why am I dancing? Your turn" Stefan gestures to the floor as Kayla rolls her eyes "You obviously wanna dance battle, I'll hook up the wii later"

"You sound kinda scary?" Stefan tilted his head as Kayla walked away with her middle finger up

Once Kayla turned the corner she bumped into Tyler who seemed angry
"Hey? What's up?"

Tyler stood silent trying to collect himself and not snap at the girl
"Mhmm...You wanna go get some ice cream from the kitchen? Carol had some ordered from Francis'"
"How do you know that?"
"...Cause I asked her to"

Tyler shook his head and chuckled "Of course you did"

The two made their way to the kitchen laughing and telling jokes
"You actually came with Victoria?"
"Wow, big step for you two and where's she at?"

Kayla stopped and turned to her friend "Left?"
"To go where?"
"No clue"
"That bitch gone go see Jeremy"
"You and Gilbert? Again?"
"Shut up and no not again"
"Get the damn bowls and shut up

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