ch 3

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"So you have the opportunity to have your art in a gallery!! OMG! This is so big" Caroline cheered excited for her friend as she continued to gush "I love your art! I can't believe i'm friends with a famous artist"

Chucking Kayla opened her locker "Im not famous yet Care. Soon my art will be hanging in the louvre"
"I don't what that is but I will buy every single ticket just to be the first to see the exhibit" Caroline nodded supportingly

As Kayla went to speak Jeremy walked down the hall and the two locked eyes for a second too long in Caroline's eyes
"Um excuse me Miss Daniels-Salvatore? What was that?"

"What was what?" Kayla questioned eyes still on the Gilbert's frame
"You and Jeremy did not!?" Caroline whisper-yelled

"We didn't? Just some heavy petting. I wouldn't let someone get in my pants as messed up as we were" Kayla assured with a shrug

"Heavy petting my butt" Caroline leaned against the neighboring locker as she pulled out her phone
"Onto more scholastic concerns, I think we should start practice next week after the bonfire"

Kayla nodded as she dug through her locker, pulling out some lotion.
"Yea, that'll work. Im supposed to be helping Mrs. Lockwood finalize everything for the Founders party this week so I'll be free next week. It'll also be good to give the girls some time off before you start threatening them"

"Hardy har har" Caroline mocked as Kayla turns around to lean on he locker as she rubs her hands together and apply the lotion when she notices Caroline looking up in focused interest . She raises a brow in question before following her eyes and making contact with her "cousin". The two nodded at each other in acknowledgement before the went back to their respective tasks.

Caroline's jaw dropped as she patted Kayla's arm in shock. "Who is that? And how do you know him? And why didn't I know that you knew him?"
Kayla moved out of Caroline's arm reach "Girl 1. You gone stop hitting me when you get excited. 2. That's my cousin and I did tell you about him staying with Zach and I"

Caroline nodded looking down the hall trying to see if she could still see him "Tell me about him?"
"Girl I am not going to pimp my cousin out to you. I don't even know much either way."
"Come on. A birthday or something" Caroline pleaded causing her friend to sigh "He's a scorpio"
"Thank you! I'll see you at the grill?" Caroline kissed her friends cheek, then backing away slowly waiting for a response
"Yea i'll be there later"
"Perfect. Bye love you"

An hour and a half after parting with Caroline, Kayla found herself sitting in history class playing a game on her phone as Tanner spoke about Mystic Falls history when her phone buzzed.


Kayla typed back
After glancing up and seeing Elena turn to glance at Stefan who was in fact staring, Kayla pieced it together and texted again


Bonnie snickered after reading the text and Elena rolled her eyes as she laughed silently to herself as Tanner gave the finishing notes to his lecture as the bell rang.

Bonnie snickered after reading the text and Elena rolled her eyes as she laughed silently to herself as Tanner gave the finishing notes to his lecture as the bell rang

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The school day ended as quickly as it began. Kayla made her way over to Stefan as they shared Math together.
"Hey Stefan"

The brooding Salvatore stopped walking and turned around waiting for his "cousin" to catch up. "Hey Kayla"
"I was wondering if you wanted to come to the grill later tonight? I know we haven't exactly had the chance to "bond" or anything like that but it could be fun and you might make some new friends. i'll even pay for your water"

Stefan tilted his head as a smile made its way onto his face "water is free"
"i am a struggling high school student. Only so much of my money is actually going into my pocket and not my college fund. Tell you what say you'll come and I'll throw in a basket of fries with that water. Small of course" Kayla clasped her hands together
Stefan chuckled before nodding "Yea okay i'll join you"
"Perfect! Do you need a ride home?"
"I'm actually going for a walk. I'll just see you later tonight or when I get home"

Kayla nodded slowly thinking 'that's a far walk from here to the boarding house' before she waved goodbye and walked towards her car to go home and change clothes then meet up with Mrs. Lockwood at the grill.

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