Concern for the King

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   It was difficult to tell how much time had passed since the Guardians had arrived to the Winter Palace, for the winter storm outside never slowed down. It seemed the entire realm was wrapped in a continuous blizzard that only grew worse as time went on.

But the native inhabitants and the visiting Seasonals paid it no mind. Animals and sprites created out of ice and snow went about their normal duties or wandered the frozen halls of the palace. But in a effort to stay warm, the Guardians stayed together in a small, out-of-the-way meeting hall and bundled up in the thick winter-wear provided by General Winters.

"King Jokul had these prepared sometime last spring after his guardianship," the winter spirit explained, "He hoped to one day invite you here."

   "Sorry to spoil the surprised," Bunny commented, biting down a shiver. The cold was not his friend in any way, shape, or form. 

   The winter general chuckled heartily, "Don't be sorry. He has been stalling for some time. Your surprise arrival and easy acceptance has taken a lot of stress off his mind."

    "General Winters, where are Jack and the other Seasonals?" Tooth asked.

  "They are in a meeting of their own. The Winter Solstice is in two days time. There are a lot of preparations to made for the official coming of winter and the arrival of Mother Nature."

   Bunny's eyes widened, "She's coming here?!"

  "Yes, she oversees the transitioning of power from autumn to winter. She is very protective of her children and does not wish to see the power they bear overwhelm them during the change," he explained as though it was common knowledge. The Guardians quickly realized that there was a lot about Jack's world they didn't know about.

"Vait," North mused, "Jack is child of Mother Nature? I thought it was Manny who made Jack spirit."

"He certainly helped. Bringing him into the spirit realm as both the Winter Seasonal and future Guardian of Fun required an...alliance. I suppose the easiest way to explain it is that they have joint-custody of Jokul."

"Frostbite's parents are the most powerful spirits in the world," Bunny breathed, and an exclamation mark appeared over Sandy's head followed by the sun and moon hovering over the silhouette of Jack Frost.

North chuckled, hardly able to believe it, "Well, Jack is alvays full of surprises, dah?"

The winter general smirked knowingly, "He certainly is. Now, if you all may excuse me, there is some business I must attend to. Make yourselves at home," he stated and promptly strode out of the meeting hall.

The Guardians shared a look. Jack was powerful, more powerful than they could ever imagine. The lightning show he had displayed during his battle with Pitch was only a glimpse into what he could, but Jack had said he didn't know that he could even do that. How much potential was their newest member holding without his own knowledge?

North clapped his hands suddenly, startling his friends out of their thoughts, "Jack has vorked all day. Come. Ve give him break and get supper."

"Sounds like a plan to me, mate."

"As long as everyone remembers to brush and floss afterwards."

The three men rolled their eyes but wisely said nothing as they trekked out of the room and wandered the icy halls to find their missing member. They were just about to try one of the upper levels when the soft, pleading voice of the Spring Seasonal floated to their ears.

"Jack, we're worried about you. Please listen to us," Rapunzel almost begged. The four guardians paused outside a cracked open door that was heavily frosted over.

"Punzie, I told you all before that I'm fine," Jack reassured, though there was an underlying tone of irritation in his voice, "The Solstice is almost here. I don't have time for this."

"We're not saying you do it now," Hiccup reasoned, "Just after the Spring Equinox, so you can heal and actually rest."

"I don't have time to rest," Jack snapped, "In case you haven't noticed, I'm a Guardian now. Jamie and the other kids need me. I can't just abandon them after they finally started to believe in me."

"And that's what you always wanted, wasn't it, Jackie?" Merida spoke up, her tone missing the typical fire they had associated her with, "To have the kiddos look to ye. You always wanted to be a big brother ag'in, and the blasted moon finally granted yer wish. But look at what it's doin' to ya!"

"I can handle it!" he shot back, words as cold and sharp as the season he controlled. Somewhere above them, everyone could hear ice cracking.

"Both of you need to calm down," Hiccup interrupted, and they could guess the Autumn Seasonal was stepping between the two, "Jack," he began slowly, "we aren't asking you to do it yet. Winter is far from over, but you skipped it last year and the year before. It's not healthy. You can talk to Jamie, explain to him why you won't be around for a little while."

   "The last time I explained that to a child, she stopped believing in me," Jack hissed, "The last time this happened, the only person who had powers similar to my own walked right through me like I wasn't even there."

   All around them the ice groaned and cracked and darkened as a shadow bled into its once pure surface.

    "Jamie is the first human in over two centuries to notice me, to actually reach out and be my friend. I'm not going away again."

   "And when all of his other friends stop believing? When he's the only one to still see you and is ridiculed for it? He has to grow up eventually, Jack."

   "I can talk to Pan," he replied, though everyone could tell he was becoming desperate for an excuse, "Jamie doesn't have to grow up if he doesn't want to."

    Merida's voice sounded heartbroken, "It don't work like that, Jackie. You know that. Jamie ain't a lost boy."

   "I...I know," Jack sighed, and the ice began to turn back to its original shape, "I know..."

    Surprisingly, it was Merida who continued to offer the solemn winter spirit comfort, "I understand your pain, Jackie. You want to protect the children o' the world like ya did yer sister, just like I wanted to protect me three rascally brothers when I was still a human. But yer our little brother, Jackie. Let us take care o' you."

   "Okay," Jack breathed so low the Guardians almost missed it, "I'll do it after the Spring Equinox. I just might be gone a little while longer than usual."

   "Understandable," Hiccup snorted.

  "We'll be here when you come back," Rapunzel reassured him, "Just take your time and get back to full strength," there was the iconic sound of her unbelievably long hair whipping around something, most likely Jack, "And if you come back even a minute early, you'll be having another talk with my frying pan. Are we clear?"

   "Crystal," he choked and sucked in a deep breath as Rapunzel let him go, "No need to get worked up, Punzie."

   "That's the only way to get it through to that popsicle you call a brain."

   "Low blow, Hic."

  "Yer one to talk."

         "Mer! I thought you were my side!"

  "I'm on me own side, Jackie."

   "But you always agree with the lizard rider."

           "You take that back!"

  "Dragon rider! How many times do I have to tell you that Toothless isn't a lizard?!"

   "How did I get stuck with you three?"

  The Guardians backed away from the scene now that the conversation had dissolved into playful banter. Something was wrong with Jack, something that was enough to worry the other three Seasonals. And that did not sit well with the Guardians, who had strived to be there for Jack after he joined their ranks in an effort to make up for their mistakes.

   Jack wasn't going to tell them what was wrong, that much they knew for sure. But whatever the case, they each silently vowed to be there for him when he needed them.

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