The Winter Solstice

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  A/N: I know it's been a while since I've updated this, but thank y'all for hanging in there. And thx for the 2k views!!

   The dawning of the Winter Solstice was a busy one. Jack had been awake the entire night before, and the lack of sleep did nothing to slow him down as he flitted around the castle. Everything had to be perfect for the arrival of Mother Nature.

    Gone were his brown slacks and signature blue hoodie. Today, he and the other Seasonals were dressed like royalty. The long deep blue cloak hanging off of Jack's shoulders dramatically waved every time he moved, sending small flurries of ice with each sweep of its folds. A silver crown curled around his head like a circlet of ice with a single intricate design on his forehead. He looked every bit the prince he should be.

    But as he finalized the last details before Mother Nature's arrival, he couldn't help but feel like a boy pretending to be a man. Being a head seasonal was a huge responsibility, and Winter had been entrusted to an almost literal child. His "siblings" were all young adults when they had been chosen, but he had never broken through that barrier. He never really grew up.

   Which was why, as he felt a sudden spike of magic in the air, he felt more like a child hearing the footsteps of a parent coming to see if he had completed his chores rather than an important figurehead about to take command.

    The four Seasonals stood in a regal line while the Guardians stood across from them. It only took a few seconds of waiting before a swirling, golden light appeared. Like a candle being snuffed out, the glow vanished, and in its place stood the most powerful fae of them all.

   The Man in the Moon may be the most well respected, and the truly most powerful spirit in the realm, but he was up in space. Here on Earth, Mother Nature was in charge, and she answered to no one, not to the Moon, and not to her father.

Her long dress flowed and brushed against the icy floor, top a light, leafy green that gradually faded into a bright yellow, a rusty red, and finally a rich blue that turned white. Her ebony hair cascaded down her back in shimmering ringlets adorned with small white flowers. A crown of white wood and red-orange autumn leaves was set on her brow, drawing out the richness of her dark eyes and flawless pale green skin.

  This was Queen Emily Jane, also known as Mother Nature, and the only mother Jack had known for the past three hundred years.

    "Children," she greeted the Seasonals cooly with a slight tilt of her head as her voice echoed through the frozen halls. Her dark eyes scanned over them in obvious scrutiny, and Jack squared his shoulders in an effort to stand up straighter. There was the tiniest sparkle of approval in her eyes, but Jack couldn't be sure if he'd imagined it or not.

   As one, the four Seasonals bowed and returned her greeting. "Mother."

    Mother Nature turned her gaze to the four surprise guests. "Guardians, it has been some time."

    The Big Four gave respectful bows of their own, though Sandy added a cheerful wave to her for good measure. Emily's lip curled upward in a small smile before it faded.

    "Yes, it has," North answered for all of them as the Seasonals rose, "too long."

      "Thank you for looking after my Jack," she continued, "He has done well in your company."

   Jack's eyes widened in surprise. Praise from the queen of all nature spirits was rare and never given lightly. He made eye contact with Bunny, and he could tell the Pooka was thinking the same thing.

   North smiled fondly at the young winter sprite. "Yes, he is good, for us and for children."

    Rapunzel shared a brief look with her younger brother and lightly squeezed his hand. Jack returned it with a timid smile of his own.

    "I have no doubt," replied Mother Nature, "but now is the time for the changing of seasons. Will the keepers of Autumn and Winter step forward!"

   Hiccup and Jack obeyed immediately. The winter sprite eyes strayed up to the ornate gold crown his brother was wearing before turning back to his queen's gaze.

    "The time for change has past," the two boys recited, "Now nature's world must rest. Harvest is complete, and Autumn's charge is done. His crown be now exchanged, and may Winter's reign be blessed."

Hiccup took off his crown, and Jack removed his circlet. In one fluid motion, the two exchanged their crowns. The ring of ice turned into wood, and coppery leaves sprouted at regular intervals as the Viking placed it on his head. In place of Jack's symbol, an amber stone appeared in its center, resting on Hiccup's forehead.

The crown in Jack's hands turned into solid ice, the leaves and branches replaced with sharp, fractal designs. A single snowflake of the most delicate design made up the central piece. The ice glowed blue once it made contact with Jack's white hair, and frost curled around his staff.

The Wind whipped around the Winter King, dragging flurries of ice and snow around the boy royal as she pulled him up into the air. With practiced ease, Jack swiped his shepherd's crook in elegant movements, sending blue energy out into the frigid breeze. The streaks of blue wrapped around him, cocooning him in a blue glow as he absorbed the power of the Solstice.

When the Wind calmed down and set her rider back on the floor, the Guardians noted an instant change in their youngest member. His eyes and crown glowed blue with both the power of Winter and the Moon. He held his staff like a scepter and carried himself much like one of the kings of old.

    His regal image didn't last long as he sent his friends a beaming smile that made Toothania's fingers twitch for a chance to study his teeth.

    Mother Nature nodded her head and returned a small, gentle smile to her youngest.

      "Winter begins now," she declared. Jack's smile became a full fledged grin as he leaped into the air and gave a loud cheer. All of his winter helpers returned the cry before racing out of the palace to complete their duties in the human world outside, spreading cold, snow, ice, and everything in between to aid their sovereign.

     When Jack touched back down again, Mother Nature waved her hand to beckon him, distracting the Winter King from the excitement caused by the Guardians and his seasonal siblings.

    "Walk with me, Jokul."

  Jack nodded his head seriously, being mindful of his crown.

     "Yes, Mother."

A/N: And that's all for this chapter! Please let me know what you think and don't forget to vote if you enjoyed this chap!

Also, be sure to follow my Instagram page for any updates concerning my stories, or if you'd like to chat.

That's all for now! Bye!!

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