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It's been two weeks since the Sports Festival, V and Kas are inseparable. They hang out all the time studying and training. Their marks came back and both placed well with a lot of internship offers. This surprised both girls as they weren't expecting much. So much so that when they saw their ranks voted by pros they were placed in the top 5.

Both Kas and V were floored by the positive reviews but had a hard time choosing an agency to intern for. After a few days of back and forth, the two ended up going separate ways, V to Mirko and Kas to Lady Nagant.

It was a few weeks before the students leaving for their internships and Aizawa had started class by bringing in pro hero Midnight so she can judge the students and potential hero names they choose for themselves.

V's pov

I watched as one by one my classmates announced their chosen hero names, some were quickly shot down by Midnight for lack of creativity but others' choices suited them well, and I think mine does too. I rose my hand seeing that I could go next, Midnight motioned for me to stand at the front of the class. "Alright V, what name have you chosen?" She questioned warmly " The weather hero: Reign Storm." I spoke softly and Midnight loved it. "What a wonderful name, I feel that it suits you well!" She beamed and I walked back to my seat but not without eyeing Kas to go up. She just pouted and begrudgingly rose her hand as well.

Kas' pov

I didn't want to stand and face the class, I was anxious but I wanted to get it over with. "So what have you decided on?" Midnight was close to me. "I uhh chose um.." I stumbled hard as I saw the class intuned and awaited my answer. "The chain hero: Reaper" My eyes stayed on the stand in front of me and I waited for a response, " woahhh creepyy!" Midnight whined "but I love it!" She continued as I made my way back to my seat and let lot the breath I didn't know I was hiding once I sat down.

V gave me a thumbs up, I gave her a weak smile and began staring out the window waiting for class to be over.

Time skip

Kas' pov

Back at the dorms I was packing for the week-long trip ahead I tried to think of what I'd be doing, Lady Nagant isn't a super popular pro but after some research, I didn't find much about her but other pros I talked to seemed to think well of her. Deep in thought I hear V whisper, "Ayo stop thinking so loud, I can hear you all the way downstairs." I laugh. It's going to be weird without V there, she's been my rock ever since that random day. A knock interrupted me and I went to my door, "Hey" it was Bakugou? "Hey?" I was confused as to why he was here, we don't talk especially since the festival.

"You're leaving tomorrow right?" He looked away, wtf? "Yeahh??" Still not looking at me, "Wanna grab a bite?" I was shocked and didn't say anything at first. "Are you asking me out?" He turned his head further, I wasn't trying to make fun of him I was just genuinely confused. I didn't get a reply so I just smirked, "yeah sure, let's go!" I grabbed a stunned Bakugou and we headed on our way.

V's pov

I watched Kas and Bakugou leave the dorms together and immediately started asking questions to Kas while she was still in range. "Where you going, I thought we hated Bakubitch? Why just the two of you? Are you hiding something? What's go-" she left my range not answering a single question. Rude. But I'll find out one way or another. I sat in the living room secretly waiting for the two to return but quickly got bored.

I should be packing for my internship but curiosity was getting the best of me, so I just sat staring at the TV waiting for them when Todoroki came downstairs. He didn't say anything, I didn't even know if he knew I was there. I squeaked a small hi trying not to scare him but he still jumped. I snuffed a giggle as he looked around flustered then finally found me looking over the back of the couch.

"What are you doing?" I whispered, he shook his head not used to my voice coming from his own head "just came down to grab some water" he spoke softly. I simply smiled and nodded, I somehow gained enough confidence to ask him to join me which he did but we both were awkward so we sat in silence while a random show played as background noise. "So why are you down here by yourself.. where's Kas?" He broke the silence, "umm she is... out doing some last-minute errands before tomorrow" I lied because I didn't want to start rumors especially when I knew nothing of what she was doing. "Oh, nice." I nodded. God this is so awkward I mentally slapped myself as every ounce of confidence was blown away the second he sat down.

He didn't look at me but I kept catching myself staring at him, he's changed since the sports festival. His eyes are softer now, less angry. Suddenly he made direct eye contact with me then blushed just as dark as his hair and frankly so was I. "Uh I'm sorry" he mutters "it's okay, they aren't you leaving tomorrow for your internship?" He nods and stands up, "I'll see you in a week V" he smiles softly and disappears out of the common room.

Kinda shocked I caught myself feeling a little giddy, wtf? I quickly shook my head to rid of the feeling. And almost as if on cue I hear soft laughing coming up to the dorm doors. I spun around so quickly I almost tipped the couch.

Kas enters first then Bakubitch "HEY!" I yelled in their heads. The two jumped and Bakugou sped off to his dorm causing me to glare, Kas just laughed and motioned me upstairs to her dorm.

We entered her room and she resumed packing, the tv was on some random channel just for background noise. "Umm, so you gonna spill or am I gonna have to make your ears ring till you do?" I sat on her bed staring holes in the side of her head. Laughing again she shut her suitcase, "Honestly there's not much to tell," she continued to tell what happened and that they just talked about random stuff while eating. I groaned and laid flat on her bed, "so do you like him or what?" I grunted, "I could ask you the same about Todoroki." She retorted. "Fair enough" I shrugged then got up and headed to her door to leave. "I gotta back I leave tomorrow night, where is your internship at?" I leaned on her door and watched as she sat on the floor and opened her phone, "It's a small agency just out of Hosu City. She mumbled. My ears perked up, "Hey so is mine!" She smiled, "maybe we'll see each other while patrolling" she nodded when suddenly the news came on.

"Hero killer Stain strikes again, seriously injuring pro hero Enginium" we stared silently at the screen as the reporter continued. "How scary, he's been active as of late" Kas stated aloud. "Yeah but we have nothing to worry about, we'll be with real pros during our internships." I comforted and she just nodded in agreement, "alright I gotta pack, see you in a week!" I waved as I left Kas' dorm, "Enginium.." I wondered, that name sounds familiar.

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