9)The Truth

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"What truth?" I asked them and Type seemed very worried.

"Let me tell u Tharn.. The guy u are holding right now is responsible for ur mother's death!" Art declared.

"F*ck u Art....How can u speak such nonsense to my resting mother? Can't u let her rest in peace? Stop fooling around and get to the point! What brings u here?" I scolded him.

"That's the truth Tharn. Whether u accept it or not, the truth will remain the same. That brat killed ur mother !" He spoke while glaring at Type who was crying painfully.

"Type! What is Art talking about?" I asked him but he kept on crying.

"TYPE I...I'M TALKING TO U!" I shouted at him.

" U won't understand it Tharn!" Type cried.

" Then make me understand Type! What is going on?" I yelled at him but he was speechless.

" U still can't believe me Tharn?" Art spoke in disbelief. "Type is the causer of ur mother's death because he accidentally crashed her with his car. He was totally drunk!....Type decided to hide this dirty truth from everyone except to me and his dad!" Art spat it all as if he was just storytelling.

"How can I trust ur judgement!?"
I asked him painfully.

" Ask him yourself then.....!" He replied confidently.

I turned to look at Type who was tearing badly. I started feeling anger.

" Go away Art!" I forced to speak. I still can't believe his words...... It can't be Type...! No way....! It can't be him.....!

" Listen to me Tharn! Type's father helped to cover the truth by offering large sums of money to the doctors to hide the truth. That's how it came to a conclusion that ur mother died of cancer with plenty of fake evidences. But the true story is that ur mother died of car accident and Type is held responsible for that!" Art concluded.

I turned to look at Type again who seemed frozen as tears kept pouring down his cheeks. I felt no mercy!

"Is this all true?" I asked Type but he was still sobbing. He was speechless.

"IS THIS TRUE U BASTARD!" I hit him hard on the face until he fell down.

"Forgive him Tharn..." Art interfered.

"What the FUCK are you saying Art? I forgive this murderer? This bastard?!" I yelled then punched him again. Blood streamed from his mouth but I cared less. This fucker killed my mother.

" I'LL MAKE SURE THAT U AND YOUR EVIL FATHER ROT IN JAIL TYPE!" I swore to him while landing several punches on his face. I was all broken up inside as Art came to drag me away from him. "LET ME GO ART ...I HAVE TO REVENGE WHAT THEY DID TO ME AND TO MY INNOCENT MOTHER!" I thundered while wanting to punch the guy on the floor.

"Noo Tharn....U gonna kill him. He's loosing alot of blood already!" Art defended.

"Then I'll call the police right now!" I was burning inside so bad as I stormed to get my phone.

"Tharn listen to me!" Art ran to grab my phone.

"LET GO ART!". I roared

"Listen...His father is in jail since last year. The truth was revealed but his father took all the blame just to free his son from this mess! Please, don't punish them further....." Art begged.

I fell on my knees while crying. I felt weak and hopeless. "WHY???? WHY ME TYPE???? WHY ME???!" I cried the hell out. Art hugged me tightly as I was shaking because of anger. "It's better u could've died Type instead of killing my only mother!" I cursed him.
"WHAT ARE U WAITING FOR? DISAPPEAR FROM OUR SIGHT U FOOL!" Art dragged Type outside harshly then banged the door.

"Don't worry Tharn, its all over now!" Art consoled me.

"U knew about this all along but still chose to hide it from me until now Art!" I spoke hopelessly.

"I didn't hide this Tharn...Its just that Type threatened to kill me that's why I couldn't do anything back then!" He defended himself.

" He even blackmailed me to breakup with u because he was scared I would spill the truth..And luckily, I spilled it just in time!" He spoke with relief.

" That bastard! I thought he loved me!" I cried out painfully.

" He was just lying to u Tharn. He is not a good person.... I know him very well!" Art added salt to the wound. I didn't know what to. My whole life is fucked up. I have no one to turn to. I wish to die. "I'll protect u from now on Tharn...." Art tried to console my broken soul which still felt empty.
--------------1 YEAR LATER---------------

"Honey.... Did u find it?" Art's voice was heard from downstairs.

"Not yet baby. I wonder where I placed it last time!" I was busy looking for my wallet. We are late for the dinner date because my wallet is missing.

"Its ok honey. We can use my credit card instead!" Art replied with a chuckle.

I really don't like using other people's money, especially my fiance's. I feel guilt using it and I wonder why.

"Alright!" I replied with a half heart.

We board our grey Lamborghini and Art offered to drive. I'm aware that I'll have to drive on our way back because Art will be tipsy drunk. With that, I let him drive.

We talked about random topics concerning business and I was glad to hear that he succeeded to get the richest investor into his business. It took us only 30 minutes to arrive at Mezzaluna restaurant, the top finest restaurant in Bangkok.

 It took us only 30 minutes to arrive at Mezzaluna restaurant, the top finest restaurant in Bangkok

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We sat there as the waiter approached us with full energy.

"Welcome sir! What can we offer u for dinner?" He asked with a bright smile.

" Bring me a French Haute Cuisine and an Indonesian Haute Cuisine for my lovely fiancee!" Art spoke proudly.

"At ur service sir!" Then the waiter disappeared. Art normally place orders on my behalf because according to him, he's very sure of his taste of food than mine. He believes that his likes are my likes and I can't say no to that.

Our meals were served hot and appeared adorable in the eyes. But the only problem was that, the food was so tiny. Tiner than the palm of my hand.

"This is the most expensive food in this restaurant. It is prepared by special international chefs darling..." Art spoke proudly.

" I see..." I replied calmly.

It has been a year now since Art and I got back together as lovers. We live in his father's mansion. They are so damn rich and they like to spend recklessly. I normally don't prefer such kind of life. Despite of living in luxury, I was not completely happy. Some gaps in my heart were left unfilled and whenever I tried to talk about them to Art, he would normally get mad at me.

I wish to know why my father disappeared out of no where. I wish to see Type's father and ask him why he did such to my mother. I wished to know about Type because the last information I heard was that Type got married to a crazy rich Asian. I don't know why but I can't get Type out of my head. I normally think and even dream about him....... Strange right?!

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