Chapter 15

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*Miyano's POV*

Guy picked out Kakashi's food.

I swear if Guy was a female they'd already be married.

"Miya I'm going to take a little detour and scout the village for safety purposes, please give Kakashi his food as he tends to get grumpy," he said

"Awww such a caring lover!"

"Well if I may... MIYAAAA!!" He screamed as he realized what I just said.

I laughed at his sudden reaction.

"I'll get these to him, don't you worry."

*Mini Time Skip*

I got back to the room and he was still in the same spot reading. Darkness had already crept in.

"Kakashi I brought your food!" I'll called out from inside.

"Coming!" He said as he made his way in.

"Smells nice," he said as he sat down,

"Ohhh no you don't, that's mine... that's mine, this is yours!" I said as I handed him a plastic bag filled with food.

"You really went out of y-,"

"They're from Guy... he does know a lot about-,"

"You're enjoying this aren't you?!" He said as we both laughed.

"He really is your best friend.... I wish I had one or have had... I don't know!" I said as I opened my bento.

We ate in comfortable silence. I realized how he tried hiding his face when eating so I turned away from him to give him privacy.

"Thank you for tagging along!" I said as I broke the silence.

"No need to thank us, it's what friends do," he replied,

"Right, friends!"

*Third Person POV*

After eating the two parted ways as Kakashi went to the bath house.

Miya opted for a refreshing shower, before snuggling on the couch and drifting off to sleep.

Poor Guy's plan did not work well.

The next leg of the journey took 2 days. The trio crossed more than 8 bridges and several hills, all while maintaining their formation, Guy in front, Miya in the middle and Kakashi at the back, when they ran into their first hurdle.


"I smell a Nazakawa filth amongst you!!" The man in front of them screamed as he took out a blade.

"Blade user!" Guy said as they got into a defensive formation.

"Miya get back!" Kakashi said while trying to push her out of the way.

"I don't need protection Kakashi!" The girl said as she stepped away from him.

"Just like the wrench you call Mother!"  The man yelled.

*Miyano's POV*

He knew my Parents.

All of a sudden I didn't feel the need to fight him.

I suddenly saw flashes of light and four people I've never seen before appeared before me.

A woman, man, a little girl and boy.

The little boy and girl ran towards me as they called out;

"Big sister, big sister!"

My eyes swelled with tears, I think they were my little siblings. I opened my arms in preparation to hug them.

What our Future Holds. (Kakashi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now