Chapter 56

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*Kakashi's POV*

After my briefing at the ANBU Headquarters I went to back to the house to check on Miya. As expected she was already home when I arrived.

"Ready?" She asked,

"About that, I-,"

"We're going!" She said as she grabbed my arm and flash stepped out,

I didn't have time to protest. We arrived in front of the BBQ place where Asuma was already waiting.

"Miya?" He questioned while looking at me,

"We're living together so I thought I'd bring him along to, you don't mind right?" She asked,

I could tell he didn't want me there but he was asked on the spot and it didn't seem like he wanted to say no to her.

"Yeah, the more the merrier right?!" He answered,

She smiled and then we all walked in. To our surprise Guy, Kin and Seika were also there. How lucky can I get.

"Ohh, K-,... Asuma!" Guy said as he stared at us,

"Hey guys, the three of us are here to have lunch, nice seeing you guys as well." Miya said,

The lady inside led us to our table.

Why the hell did I agree to come.

Miya sat beside me and we faced Asuma. From the corner or my eye I saw Kurenai pass by and that's when a brilliant idea popped into my mind.

"Hey Kurenai!" I called out,

She was startled as she kept turning around. I quickly ran out and led her inside. "We're having lunch but Miya is the only girl, please join us." I said,

She was confused but nodded.

Miya stood up to hug her and I took that as an opportunity to push Kurenai into the seat and sat beside her. "Miya you should sit with Asuma since all this was planned by you two." I said,

"Th-they planned this?" Kurenai asked,

"Well Asuma asked me for lunch, and I-, well I agreed and thought Kakashi would like to join and now you're here." Miya said trying to difuse the tension,

"The more the merrier." Asuma said as he gritted his teeth.

I am going to change the course of this. I am territorial but I'm good at concealing, Miya on the other hand is not. I turned my full attention to Kurenai as Asuma and Miya talked.

Not long I could feel Miya's gaze on me as Kurenai and I kept talking.

"What are you guy's talking about?" She asked,

"Nothing much," I said as I continued to ignore her.

*Miyano's POV*

"My Dad said your training went well this morning." Asuma said,

"Nothing I couldn't handle," I replied,

Why the hell is Kakashi so invested in her story.

"Miya, are you listening to me?" Asuma asked,

"Right-, uhmm what did you say?" I asked,

"I said how was the journey and-,"

"Kakashi can I have a word with you outside?" I said as I stood up,

I was pissed. He was there for me and yet he gave his full attention to her. He pushed her into MY seat and then forced me to sit with Asuma.

He followed me out to back.

"Did you need-," his face was greeted by the palm of my hand.

"What the hell was that!" I whisper yelled,

"What are you talking about?" He questioned as he rubbed his face,

"You were flirting with her!" I muttered,

"And you accepted a date from him." He replied,

"Ohhh, so this is what it-," he shut me up by kissing me,

"Just a reminder that we're both single." He said between kisses,

"No, we're not!.. Because, you, Are, Mine!" I said as I pinned him to the wall,

"Then act like it." He said as he looked at me.

"Fine," I said as I let go of his hands.

"So are we?" He asked,

"Yes!" I said as I flipped my hair and walked off from him.

I don't know how or where this is going but I liked it. I didn't like him throwing his attention at anyone and by now we should be together after all we've been through and done.

*Asuma's POV*

"That was strange of her..." Kurenai said as she took a meat of the BBQ,

"She's probably mad at him," I replied,

She walked back in looking flustered and ordered Kurenai to sit next to me.

"Please, I just feel like you and Asuma would make a good pair." She said as I choked on my drink,

"What did you say?" I questioned,

Kurenai quickly got up and switched over to my side. She had the brightest smile.

Kakashi came back looking bored as usual.

"I'm gonna scram, I have an important meeting coming up." He said as he walked over to where Guy and his friend's were.

Miya looked bothered.

"Hey did something happen back there?" I asked,

She shook her head, "no no no, just typical relationship problems." She answered.

Something in me just snapped. She left me for him. I should've known, I should've seen the signs.

"When you broke up with me before you left, was it because of him?" I asked,

Her face immediately turned red. She's guilty.

"Asuma, I-, you have to understand at that time I-,"

"Miya, I don't need a long explanation, I just need a Yes or No answer." I said,

"A-, Hear me out... me and him weren't dating back then nor did I-,"

"Yes or No Miya?"

"Yes, I broke it off because as much as I cared and loved you, I only saw you as a friend, but I felt different towards him and-,"

"I'm done here, I'll pay for all of this and leave, you and Kurenai have a good time!" I said as I excused myself and left.

Hatake, this is all your fault.

*Kurenai's POV*

"Miya I-,"

"I know you like him Kurenai, and I'm sorry for all this." She said as she leaned back,

"I like him but he doesn't see me that way Miya." I said as ate,

"Be persistent, in time he'll fall in love with you." She said as she gave me a smile.

That afternoon we finally made up and strengthened our friendship. It was as if nothing changed. Miya will always be my friend regardless.

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