Chapter 53

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*Miyano's POV*

My mind blanked out. As soon as I sent them away I didn't want to wait.

The moment I said release I felt a wave of pain surge through my body. I could hear my own heart beat and my blood running throughout my body. It was as if my senses became heightened.

My subconscious was alive as I saw the creature rise up into the air. This was it.

"Farewell Princess!" The Dragon said as it disappeared into the darkness,

I gasped for air the moment I said "Release!"

*Akio's POV*

Her body went limp as she fell to ground.

The creature came to life as it roared. The echoes of his mighty roared travelled throughout what was left of the Kingdom.

I quickly pulled out my scroll and did hand signs so that I can seal away my prize.

"Shit, why can't I seal this damn creature!" I thought as I weaved the signs again.

It laughed as it floated above us.

"You fool, you lack the knowledge, I can only be sealed if I come into contract with you...upon my approval then you will be able to seal me!" It said as it gave a mocking laugh,

I realized I was being played.

"Now I will fulfill my end of the promise!" It said as it's whole body ignited.

From the looks of it, it was about to attack me. I had to decide at that moment. Run or fight back. I looked over to the helpless body of the Princess who was desperately clinging on to dear life. I'm going to kill her for double crossing me!

The creature came swooping in my direction as I formed a water shield. I blocked it's attack as I headed in her direction.

It immediately changed its course as if wanting to protect her. But I went ahead. I wanted to plunge my sword into her chest and kill her the same way I did to her family.

I was fortunate to have my hand restored and if I was to lose my life I'd lose it by taking the sole survivor of Nazakawa Clan. My name will go down in History as the one that took down the the Kingdom of Ryuku.

I was fighting a losing battle with the creature. The only thing I could do was dodge it's attacks. I looked straight into it's flaming orbs and knew my time has come.

With the remaining strength I hand I weaved the last hand signs, "Earth style rock thorn bed jutsu!" I screamed,

I heard her scream in agony as my body was set on fire. I didn't scream, I didn't fight back, instead I accepted my fate. At least I did what I planned to do. I killed her.

*Kakashi's POV*

"NOOOOOOOOOO!" Seika screamed as she dropped to the ground,

"Seika, what's wrong, WHAT'S WRONG?!" Kin rushed over and asked,

"No, no, no, no, no!" Seika said as her body shook,

I felt my breathing becoming heavy as my body started to tremble.

"I can feel her chakra, it's fading, Kin-, Kakashi, we have to go to her now!" She screamed,

Kin didn't waste a second as he created a portal for us to go through.

She created a barrier restricting us but as her chakra faded the barrier collapsed. We made our way into the palace and them directly to lab where they were.

The room reeked of blood and burnt corpse. What we saw next stopped us in our tracks. The creature held her body in it's claws. The moment it saw us it flew directly towards us and placed her body in my arm's.

"Be grateful for her sacrifice, she gave her life for the sake of my freedom and you four insolent beings!" It said as it hovered back and disappeared into thin air.

I felt my heart break into a million pieces as I stared at her limp body.

"MIYAAAA!" I screamed.

"KAKASHI WAKE UP!!" Guy said as he vigorously shook my body.

I was drenched in sweat, covered in bandages and reeked of blood. My head throbbed and my eye was blurry. What the hell happened.

"Thank goodness you're awake... Miya, he's awake!" Guy called out.

She immediately came rushing to my side, she had a worried look and her face told me she was sleep deprived, "Kakashi, I thought I lost you!" She said as she took my hand and hugged it.

Her eyes were filled with tears as she wiped them.

"How's Seika doing?" Guy asked her,

"She's awake and stable, her leg is broken but Kin is healing her as we speak." She replied,

"W-what happened?" I asked the two,

"You don't remember?" She questioned,

"No, I remember telling us to stop because of the paper bombs and then-,... I had a dream I guess, where you died." I said looking at her,

"Kakashi," she said softly as she sat down.

"Well, we were surrounded by Akio's men, apparently he got patched up, he has a synthetic arm, you and Seika set of the bombs in order for us to escape safely but you were late to jump through the portal and go badly injured in the process."

"I was worried sick... oh and do you want some water?" She asked as she stood up,

I nodded in reply as she went.

We both watched as she disappeared,

"She never left your side, she didn't sleep and she refused to eat... she was worried about you." Guy said,

"Guy, I held her lifeless body, it felt too real," I said as I balled my fists.

"But it wasn't, and she's still here!" He said as he sat down,

Not long Miya came back with some water. I drank it all and took a deep breath. Guy excused himself leaving us by ourselves.

She kept staring at me. Then she leaned forward and kissed me. I kissed her back as settled into each other's presence.

"You idiot, I thought I lost you, don't ever do that again," she said as we pulled apart,

"I'm sorry," I replied,

"I love you, I really really love you, you idiot!" She said as she caressed my face.

I knew she didn't want me to say it back so I replied in the way she'd accept it.

"Me too, me too!"

What our Future Holds. (Kakashi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now