Chapter 20

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*Kakashi's POV*

The sun faded into the horizon as the darkness emerged.

Where is she?... I wondered.

"Stop worrying, she'll be back soon!" Guy said as he sat down beside me.

"I'm not worried, I just feel uneasy... We really need to go find the man, he could be the only key to her answers-,"

"Kakashi have you forgotten that we are not on good terms with Kumo after the recent happenings... if we are to enter, we maybe captured-,"

"We'll find a way... look Guy we made her a promise-,"

"I didn't say I didn't want to go through with it... what I was trying to say was, How are we going to do this?!"

We both looked at each other. None having the slightest idea.

"Me... I'm recognizable, aren't I?" She said as she stepped out of the shadows.

We both nodded.

"Use me as a bargaining chip!... I know you both can handle yourselves and I can handle myself, so whats stopping us?" She questioned.

We both gave her a loud sigh.

"Violence will be the last resort. No headbands, no talks of Konoha and definitely no weapons or out of hand attacks!" I said as I looked at both of them.

Miya nodded as Guy shot his signature smile.

"And if you ever feel unsafe, LET US KNOW!" Guy said as he stood up and checked on our food.

"Other than that we'll act as if were nomads passing through-,"

"What if we acted as refugees from my Kingdom. They'd see me and they'll believe it!"

We agreed that her idea was the best. After going over our plan we dismissed.

Miya quickly turned around and headed straight for her tent. She seemed a little awkward.

That night I stayed up.

I could tell that Miya was on the edge, as she kept shuffling around in her tent.

Not long she joined me.

Guy was already fast asleep.

"Can't sleep?" I asked,

"Yeah... can't sleep!" She said as she turned her gaze up towards the heavens.

When morning finally came we started our journey heading straight for Kumo.

*Miyano's POV*

I didn't feel like sleeping. After all that's happened, every time I closed my eyes I'd see flashbacks. It was too much stress for me that I decided to stay up.

Guy fell asleep immediately as me and Kakashi watched the starry night.

"I wonder what my former self was like?" I said while I kept my gaze up.

"What do you mean?" Kakashi said as he turned his concerned gaze towards me.

"I mean, what was I like before all this... what was i like before losing my memory!"

"I don't have an answer for that, but I'm quite content with the you who's currently her with us!"

I chuckled as I stood up.

What our Future Holds. (Kakashi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now