Chapter 37

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*Miyano's POV*

"We need to go back to the Palace, I believe we need to look more into the origins of the creature, where my Father came to befriend it, maybe then we can retrace his steps and then learn how to release it without hurting me."

"So tomorrow we set off early, we search your Father's study for any information and then we head out the next day, correct?" Kin questioned,

"Yes, that's if we are able to find anything," I replied,

"Extracting a beast or creature from what I know has never ended well!" Kakashi said as his grip around my hand tightened,

"Kakashi, let's try be positive," Guy said trying to lighten the mood,

"I am, I'm just letting you know the consequences, because what if extracting the creature is the same as a tailed beast, she'd-,..."

"Don't you dare say it!" Kin said as his fist hit the table,

"Kakashi?" I questioned,

"You'd die Miya!"

His words felt like a sword piercing through my heart. Die...

"There must be a way we can safely extract it, there has to be!" I said.

My body was trembling. Fear ran through me. I tried my best to compose myself but I couldn't.

"Let's eat and get some rest, our journey begins before sunrise." Kin said as he stood up.

*Kakashi's POV*

We had dinner in silence. Miya was obviously scared.

After dinner we all took our baths and headed for our rooms.

I took my shirt off and sat in bed, I decided to read through a couple of chapters before heading to bed.

I could hear the three of them talking but I was in no mood. My guess was that Guy was trying to make her happy so that she wouldn't think about it too much.

Several minutes later.


Three knocks.


"Come in!"

She opened the door and quietly closed it before making her way to my bedside.

She sat down, pulled down my mask then caressed my face,


"Happy birthday handsome,"

"How'd you-,"

"Guy told me when we were talking outside,"

"Of course he did," I said as I shook my head,

"I'm sorry I couldn't give you a present but I'll make up for it once we get over all this and settled," she said as she took my hands into hers,

"Miya, you being here is enough for me-,... I mean I enjoy you-, I meant your presence, like a present-,.. I-,"

"I get it, I get it," she laughed,

"Thank you," I said as I put my free hand over both our hands,

We kept staring at each other as the doors burst open.

Guy came running towards us, he tried slowing down but too late, in one swift move he bumped into Miya forcing her to topple on top of me and lock lips.

Miya's eyes shot wide open.

"GUY!!!" She screamed as she quickly stood up,

"Again!" Kin groaned,

"Happy birthday!" He said as he walked off,

"I am so sorry for interrupting your moment but also happy birthday Kakashi!" Guy said as he quickly ran out,

"I-i, I-," she stuttered,

"That was a nice present," I teased,

Her face turned bright red as she beamed a smile.

She got up and said goodnight. She was about to open the door when I called out,



"Stay with me, I just want to be around you tonight... I guess, it's my 18th birthday and for the first time I've-,"

"No need to explain, I'll bunk with you," she said as she turned around and came back,

She got in bed and not long she was fast asleep. I thought tonight would be like all my other birthdays, sad filled with flashbacks, but no she helped me sleep the pain away.

*Kin's POV*

"I can't believe you made me do this!" I whisper yelled at Guy as we pressed our ears against Kakashi's door,

"Shhhhh I can hear something!" He whispered back,

"They're snoring, it's been well over an hour!" I said as I stood up,

"Well that was boring," Guy said as we walked into the living room,

"Hey go to your room, this is my sleeping area!"

"You don't need to yell," Guy said as he sat down,

I laughed and took a seat opposite of him,

"Funny how their birthdays are both on the 15th,"

"Whoa, are you serious." Guy said,

"Yeah, Miya's birthday in on October 15th, she'll be 18 this year,"

"Sad that she doesn't even remember that," Guy said with a sad tone,

"That's why I'm here, to remind her of things personal to us, I've also come to realize that she will never reciprocate my feelings,"

"She likes Kakashi,"

"Love Guy, she Loves Kakashi, it's written all over her,"

"And how are you taking it?"

"I've come to accept it, but I'll tell you a story... Seika was in love with me, I lead her on and even slept with her but I was in love with Miya and I tried my best, even up until now, but had no luck... Seika got pissed that I rejected her and so that's why she left, stabbed and then betrayed Miya... after all that, She met Kakashi and you and then fell in love with him,

"So you're kind of the reason we're in this mess,"

"Yes but also no,"

"You're an idiot Kin,"

"Yes, a very handsome looking idiot,"

We both laughed as Guy stood up.

"She has faith in you Kin, we have to help her.... I'm saying this because Kakashi and I have lost so many people that were close to us that we don't want to lose her,"

"I understand, I'll gladly sacrifice my life for hers,"

"We all would and we all must follow through with it," he said with seriousness,

"If anyone was to survive, you and I must make sure it's her and Kakashi,"

Guy took a deep breath,

"Agreed!" He said as he walked away,

I laid down with thousands of thoughts. I tried to brush it all away but one particular thought wouldn't, no matter how hard I tried but I couldn't.


"The way to extract the creature is to take the host to the Ryu Mountain where the creature previously roamed. There is a temple where the ritual is performed, but in the case of extracting, the host will release the seal, and the dragon will be set free,"

"What happens to the host my King?"

"Kin my boy, the host dies, there is no survival when it comes to extracting!"

Flashback ends.

I closed my eyes as I felt my tears dropping.

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