Chapter 12 - Mother-of-Pearl

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Dorian Amsel shuffled in her bed, she couldn't sleep. Jumping from one place after the other, serving guests, accompanying the Master Sommelier during wine and food pairings, and studying for her WSET tests. She's used to not sleeping at night. Dorian's aware that in a way such a lifestyle has affected her health as well but she's stubborn and continues anyway.

Dorian checks her alarm clock, it's 12:05 AM.

Dorian sighs: They're probably awake. - She thought. Dorian is talking about her current employers, Ms. Wilhelmina Mortimor and Ms. Magdalene Mortimor.

Compared to the bathroom downstairs, the upstairs bathroom is much more spacious: It has a shower area, 3 cubicles with 3 toilets, and a bathtub large enough that at least 4 people could have a nice jacuzzi session in there. And the sink is nice too, she thought it looked like the ones inside 1st class luxury suites in hotels. Nothing wrong if she could go there for a couple of minutes.

But before she could even use the bathroom, there goes her employer in the bathtub, completely butt-naked. Dorian's cheeks redden and quickly hide behind the panel she peered to have a look - It's Magdalene - the auburn-haired one, her long locks are braided behind her back, her body's submerged in a bath full of scented mother-of-pearl foam, and she's relaxing all by herself.

Even though she knew she shouldn't be staring - she could not help but do so: Magdalene Mortimor's body is possibly the most beautiful she's ever seen; her bodice is smooth, fragile, and sensual yet at the same time strong, firm, and sculpted like the works of Michelangelo and Rodin.

Magdalene looked at her side: “I don't blame you for not being able to sleep comfortably at nighttime, your previous profession has altered your natural clock,”

Dorian quickly shields herself behind the panel embarrassed: “Yes.. I am...” she said nervously.

“Come here,” Dorian heard the vampire speak in a non-threatening manner, the personal aide came out of her hiding place and walked towards the bathtub where Magdalene lay comfortably as if unbothered by her presence.

The vampire told her to get the soap from the table nearby:

“Wash me. Using your hands,” Magdalene said, ignoring Dorian's flushed expression, and sat up straight, revealing more of her nakedness to the mortal.

Dorian starts to lather and wash the vampiress' arms with a gentle firmness while doing so her employer tries to keep the mood “less awkward” by conversing with her about her previous job as a sommelier, which she answers with ease. The vampiress also tells Dorian, her own stories about her and Wilhelmina's travels to Napa Valley in California, as well as the vineyards in Tuscany and France.

Magdalene unashamedly lifted her leg so that Dorian could wash her inner thigh. Dorian never had a grandmother with whom she could sit down and listen to intriguing stories about the past. In a way, these conversations slightly fill that gap in her childhood.

Suddenly Dorian realizes she needed to wash Magdalene's chestal area too. The vampiress gave her a playful smile as she noticed her red face.

“You didn't think we'd skip my front? Didn't you?” Magdalene grins.

“The chest is one of the most important parts of the body. I have the utmost confidence in you, Dorian,” Magdalene said calmly.

“Start at my stomach...” The vampiress instructed and Dorian obeyed. The personal aide lathered her hands with a thick layer of foam, she wished it could be much thicker so that she wouldn't feel Magdalene's skin and blush much more intensely than she is right now.

“Hmm...” Magdalene hummed calmly: “Very good. Now work your way up,”

Dorian stops midway hesitating.

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