Chapter 26 - The End

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The Mortimors could hear the sound of Dorian's heartbeat pounding in their heightened eardrums. Magdalene nodded at Wilhelmina, who pulls out a syringe and pushed the plunger part to eject a clear liquid into Dorian's vein. The substance being injected would prevent her heart from stopping completely giving them borrowed time even though Dorian is already unconscious.

Magdalene parted Dorian's black hair to the side and extended her vampiric fangs as she bit on the sommelier's flesh.

One Week Later...

Dorian Amsel gasped as she woke up from what seemed like a deep slumber, fresh air filling her lungs, her heart beating heavily as it pumps blood throughout her system. She opened her eyes: blazing lights nearly blinded her sight, and her nose detected that familiar astringent smell of the air-freshener. She recognizes that she's inside a hospital room.

What's weird even is she could taste the air she's breathing in.

Buzzzzz buzz bzzzz - Dorian immediately glanced at the fly landing on the overbed table, she let out a surprised gasp as her vision instantly magnified the insect closer. The insect flew to her arm to sip blood. Dorian looks curiously. She could perceive the fly in complete detail: its big eyes, legs, its tarsus, claws, and web-like patterns in its wings.

The fly finished sucking her blood then it suddenly died. Dorian picked up the dead fly, still scanning it curiously when suddenly somebody opened the blinds of her room's window. The sunlight pierce through the room. Dorian let out a wild hiss as the sunlight touched her skin, it started to sizzle and burn.

"Good morning, newborn.." said Helen Seginy, the Mortimors' creator and Sub-Chairwoman. The burns however, started to heal speedily. She could see the damaged veins reconnecting back in place within her pale skin. Her sharp nails retracting back to their normal length.

"Do you remember anything? Before this?" Helen said.

"Um..." Dorian tried to remember. She could recall in detail what happened a week before. She visited her mother to say 'goodbye' and bid her caretaker (Nurse Judith) watch over her. She spends quality time with Wilhelmina and Magdalene. They rode horses, skeet-shooting, drinking one of the most expensive wines in the world, watches the Swan Lake ballet, strolls at the amusement park, got french fries wasted without enduring the health guilt afterwards, and watches a firework display at the seaside boulevard of the Pearl of the Bay Megamall!

Dorian realizes that she did those activities for the first time during the last moments of her life. She grazes her fingertips on the skin of her neck.  Dorian felt two puncture scars that healed while she slept.

"I died..." Dorian said.

"Yes, you are.." Helen said. The older vampire stepped forward to her.

"Given that you recall details of your life. I'm sure that you're aware of what you are now.." Helen said.

What you are now... It sounded odd but she knew what the woman was referring to. She's right. She knew to herself that she was no longer human. Even though she accepted her fate to die. The Parkers didn't root for the idea of her leaving the face of the earth.

"A little refresher. You're now a dhampir, half-human / half-vampire. Long-living, faster, and stronger than humans but at the same time you're still weaker than the full-blooded vampire. You're still capable of ingesting food like the rest of us, but I'll remind you that you still need blood once in a while." Helen said.

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