The Heart

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After Peter explained the game, he gave you a cloth to wrap your hand with and a tent to sleep in. You did as he said and stayed in the tent until morning. It was lonely, but luckily you had some batteries and portable cassette player(it's around the 80s so there's no iPods) and you listened to your favorite songs.
When morning time came the boys were quietly sitting around the campfire waiting for something. You walked out and they all stood and separated into two and Peter walked in between the groups.
"Hello (y/n), are you ready for a tour of the island. If want to believe you might want to see the magic and charm that this place has to offer," Peter said to you.
"Sure, but can I wash off all of this blood from my hair and knees?"
"As you wish. There is a clean water spring on the other side of the island that you can use," he said. He grabbed a lanyard around his that had a small bottle attached to it. He opened the bottle and poured dust all over himself and you. The dust glowed green and you started to float off of the ground.
"Is this pixie dust?" you asked losing balance in the air.
"Yes it is," Peter says. He flies towards you and balances you. "Hold my hand and I can get you to that spring fast." He puts his hand out for you and you grab his hand. He tightens his grip and then starts flying fast deeper into the dark jungle. You feel like you should be scared of the flying, but instead you feel free. Like no one can stop you. Peter starts to slow down and you land in a clearing with a beautiful waterfall.
"This is amazing, how is there a waterfall in the middle of the jungle?" You ask.
"I decided that there had to be some beauty in darkest," Peter said letting go of your hand. "Now take a bath or what ever you call it." You do as he says and go under the water fall and wash the blood out of your hair. Once the blood was out of your hair you found that the wound from the shove was gone.
"Is this healing water?" You yell at Peter who was on top of the water fall.
"It is, but it won't get rid of the dream shade." Peter said. You jump into the pool of water that was surprisingly deeper than it looked. You washed off your knees that healed and your cut healed, but the black poison spread into your small veins around the cut. When you got out you put on the only set of spare clothes that you had packed in your bag. "Where would you like to go next (y/n)?" Peter asked showing up in front of you.
"How about the fairies."
"There's only one fairy on Neverland and she doesn't even have wings or magic anymore."
"Okay, how about your favorite place that isn't creepy and I would know of."
"How do you know so much about Neverland?" He asked you.
"Ever since. I was little I've always wanted to come to the place where no one grows up and you can do what ever you wanted. I was abandoned when I was little and Peter Pan was my favorite story. I would read the book and movie all the time and wish that someday I could go to Neverland," you tell him.
"How about we go to skull rock, there's something I need to show you." He poured more dust on himself and you and grabbed your hand and flew to skull rock. You flew through one of the eye sockets and into the head. Inside of the head was an hour glass.
"What's this?" You ask pointing at the hour glass that was half half full on the upper half.
"That is a time teller for the magic left on the island. It's fueled by believers and every few years I revive it by taking the heart of the truest believers. The last on was five years ago and I'm going to need a new one," he explains to you. You see all of the bones on the ground and in piles. You step back knowing that your the next one.
"Stay away from me," you tell Peter who is surprised.
"Don't worry, it won't hurt," he says stepping towards you. He plunges his hand into your chest, you feel him grab your heart. He tries to pull it out, but it's stopped by something. He lets go and steps back with shock covering his face. "Why are you special?" He tries again and fails. A different shadow than before showed up.
"What are you doing Peter, why is there a girl. You're breaking the rules and you know what happens when you break the rules," the shadow said.
"I didn't bring her here, you're the only one that brings people here."
"I certainly didn't bring this girl."
"Fine, new rule, no one enters or exits Neverland without my permission."
You stood there not knowing what to do. You notice that the green pixie dust was still on you, so you push yourself to fly out of skull rock. You notice the dream shade on your hand had grown up your arm to your shoulder. You started to fall from the sky. Right before you hit water Peter grabs you.
"Just because I can't have your heart, it doesn't mean I don't like you," Peter says to you. You grab him tightly as you can because you didn't want to fall into the water.
"Can I go back to the camp please?"
"As you wish."
Peter flew you back to the camp and set you down in your tent. You saw Felix just sitting by the fire looking at nothing.
"Felix, watch over (y/n) while I go get the water," Peter barked at Felix. Felix got up and came into your tent. The first thing you did to Felix was slap him in the face.
"What was that for?" He asked holding his cheek.
"That was for not stopping that boy from throwing me in that cage."
"Sorry, I just didn't want to get in trouble." Felix said. "Sorry I didn't send you off of the island when I could."
"To late for that, Peter banned anyone from leaving or entering without his permission which means we're stuck here."
"Thought that when you were little you wanted to come here, what changed your mind?"
"After you disappeared I changed and when I came here it was darker than the truths that people told of Peter Pan."
"Maybe this place will become something you might like. It's been an escape from the real world for me." For the rest of the time the both of you sat in an awkward silence.

Peter POV
I didn't mean to try to rip her heart out. She's the first girl to ever come to Neverland, she has to be special and I intend to find out why. The first thing I had to do was get her the cure for the dream shade. I flew up the mountain to the small spring with purer water than the spring in the jungle. I put some into a canteen and started to fly back to camp. Ever since I first saw her I felt this urge to protect her, now it's time for the urge to stop and let me help her.

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