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They shouted your name running after you. You couldn't see thief faces, only blurs. You ran away to find Peter. Only it wasn't Peter, it was a trap.
You woke up gasping for air. You looked around and saw a perked up Peter sitting in a chair.
"Are you alright, I tried waking you, but you kept breathing heavily and jerking around." He stood up and walked over, you sat up looking at him.
"It was a bad dream." You didn't want him to know. "What are you doing here anyways?"
"It's the night time, the only time I can see and I have news."
"What kind of news?"
"Felix wants to see you tomorrow to talk about your past and why you have powers and I have a gift for you."
"What's the gift?"
He grabs something from the floor, it was the cuff, "I know what your thinking and no I don't want to take your powers away. This is a gift because if someone takes you again you put this on and when I find you I can take it off." He sets it down beside you.
"Thank you, but I don't think someone would take me, especially after I got Hook square in the jaw. Wait, why does Felix all the sudden want to talk to me?"
"I don't really know, but before the sun comes up I need to put you in the cage, gentler this time."
"Speaking of that, I need to go in the water again, the shove gave me a huge bruise on my shoulder."
"Sure, let me grab a cloth and soak it and then you can put in your shoulder. It works like a charm." He goes over to a piece of cloth hanging from the ceiling and rips some of it. He walks over to the entrance of the cave and puts the cloth in the water. He rings it and comes over to put it on your shoulder.
"Thank you Peter, for everything."
"No thank you."
"Oh shut it. Can't you take a compliment." You felt the pain of the bruise going away now. Peter still held it on for you. You looked at each other awkwardly. "Hey, I think it's good now."
"Oh, sorry." He takes off the cloth and plopped it onto the floor. He sat down on the floor next to the bed and saw that food sticking out from underneath. "Did you bring these here?"
"Yeah, I got hungry so I transported or whatever you call it here."
"I just imagined myself getting the food in my mind and when I was done imagining it there was food on top of me." You look under your bed and grab a coke and give it to Peter.
"What am I supposed to do with this?"
"Here." You open it for him, "Drink it." He takes a small sip and then a gulp.
"This is amazing, what kind of magic do they use to make this?"
"None, just pure sugar and bubbles."
"Huh, maybe your world isn't that bad. I'll take you sometime." You both laugh a little bit which seemed to release the tension a bit. "Should we start going?"
"Might as well." You get up and you both walk out, he pours dust on and you start flying again. You reach the cage that is still hanging from the vine. Peter opens the door and you crawl in. He closes it and leaves. You wait looking at the sky turn black to pink. You felt the cage moving down and you saw Peter and Felix waiting. Felix opens the door for you and you crawl out. Things got awkward fast.
"So, Felix, what is it that you want to share with me?" You broke the the silence.
"I was hoping we could talk privately." He glares at Peter.
"Peter you can go, I'm good."
"As you wish." He bows and leaves through the trees to the camp. Felix watches him making sure he goes.
"Tell me Felix."
"You aren't my sister." This didn't make any sense. "You are in a way, I have protected you since we're a child for one reason and one reason only. You are descended from the first author of the book and I had to make sure you were safe from harm. When I was taken I knew it was to make make you more vulnerable to danger. When you came here I knew something was up."
"So what your saying I'm some sort of all powerful person or something?"
"Kind of, but you have the ability to travel between worlds or stories with ease and change fates. Have you experienced any strange power things?" You didn't want to tell, he's not even your real brother, he could have wanted to use you too.
"No." You lied.
"I just want to keep you safe from Peter, he's known for dastardly things."
"You know what Felix, Peter is a good person. If you can't see that then why haven't you ran away yet? Why didn't you come back for me?"
"Because he's my right hand man and does whatever I say." Peter says coming out of the trees.
"What?" Things were way to confusing now.
"Felix told me about you when he first came, I took him under my wing. I never knew you were coming to Neverland though. I wanted the shadow to find you and bring you when you were young. He could never find you. I'm guessing because you were enchanted by the apprentice. When did come I was amazing with your beauty and personality that I couldn't use you like I planned. Instead I fell for you, hard. You are special (y/n)."
"You-you were going to use me?" The world around you was collapsing on top of you. You felt like you were going to puke.
"I was, now I won't." He tried to touch you, but you stepped back.
"Don't touch me, you were never the Peter imagined. Peter Pan wouldn't want power and use people." You held arms. Your breathe grew heavier. You quickly grabbed the dust from around Peter's neck and poured in on yourself and flew to the cave. Once you arrived tears were pouring down your face and you laid on the bed having the blankets absorb the tears.

Peter POV
What did I do, I wasn't supposed to tell her. It just seemed right since she had been told the truth about her past. Now I've screwed things up for sure. I lost in thought.
"Aren't you going to go get her?" Felix said.
"Give her some time, things don't go well when you know you going to have a worser fate."
"Where did she go anyway?"
I thought of the cave I had given, filled with my most precious treasures, including (y/n). "Somewhere safe." I walked back to my tent, alone. I sat on my cot and it smelled of her. I went into her old tent and found one thing left inside of it, her book, Peter Pan. I picked it up and read through it. I was amazed with all of the fun "Peter Pan" had with his lost boys and Wendy. Now I saw what she kept going on about the Peter she knew, I just had to be better, or at least try.

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