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Hours later, a half an hour before midnight, you started walking to the wishing well. Everyone was celebrating in the dinner, as usual when a problem had been resolved, and Henry and Felix wasn't there which was good and meant that they were already waiting for you.
You made your way through town filling with excitement and made it to the well at exactly midnight and the two of them were waiting.
"Good, you made it," Felix said smiling like before. He looked at "Henry" who looked nervous to say anything. "Go on," Felix said nudging him softly.
"I, uh, I need you to put me back in the mindset that you never existed like when you left," Peter said slowly. It took you a minute to process the information.
"I'm not doing that again, you turned darker than ever and I just don't think I-" you started talk and Felix stopped you by grabbing your arms and you shut up. He backed away.
"It's only temporary, after he has done what needs to be done you can bring him back," Felix said.
"What do you need to do exactly Peter?"
"I-I need to rip out Felix's heart to use it in a curse and I can you only use the heart of someone very close to me," Peter said hesitantly. "And I don't want to kill you."
"You want to kill Felix?"  Your mind was freaking out.
"Felix volunteered to do it, so don't blame me." You looked at Felix who was smiling less than before. "Look, I'm doing this because I want us to live the life we imagined and the first step is destroying this place and going back to the enchanted forest." You thought about how you imagined life with Peter while you were staying with the apprentice and living in Storybrooke.
"Fine, I'll do it," you said.
"After its done you need to leave as soon as possible," Peter said. You nodded and slipped into the web vision. You looked for the one string from the memory speed you put on Peter and fixed it. You slipped back out and teleported back to your room. Your knees were weak and your eyes stung with tears. You went over to the small desk in the corner and looked for the mirror you used to talk to Peter. You found it and it flashed showed "Henry" talking to Felix and brewing the curse. Henry stopped and ripped Felix's heart out and crushed it over the well. Your heart stooped as you saw Felix's face turn pale and fall to the ground. The well started to pour out with green smoke. Peter disappeared in his own smoke back to Henry's house. The image went away most likely because of a protection spell on the house.

You eventually fell asleep and awoke the next morning with dried tears on your cheeks and clutching onto "Peter Pan" the book. It was the only thing you had left of Felix and it reminded you that Peter can still be good.
You washed your face face with cold water and got ready for a new day. You went down to the dinner and got a quick bagel and started out for Mr. Gold's shop. Two shops down from Gold's shop you saw Emma, Regina, Snow, and Charming taking "Peter" into the shop. They were going to switch bodies. You hurried to the back of Gold's shop and waited for the rest of the gang to leave.
Once they left you snuck in and Peter was laying in a cot in the back room alone. You went over and slipped into the magic web and broke the string that made him a monster, but put the bad Peter one back together. You slipped out and kissed his forehead and left him.

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