The Queen

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Peter POV
It's been days since she left. I feel so empty. I can feel the darkness suffocating me again. I everything I do reminds me of her. I can't eat or sleep. Felix tries to cheer me up by playing games, but I pretend they work. Felix is hurting to, but not as much. I know she did to save me and Neverland. She's amazing like that.
I tell the shadow everyday to find her. He started at her world. She wasn't there. I told him to go to Oz. She wasn't there. I told him to go to Wonderland. She wasn't there. I told him to check the island one more time. She wasn't there. The last and final place was the Enchanted Forest. The shadow has been gone longer than a day now. It is a really big world. I just wait everyday in her cave looking at her crystallized stars wondering if she's looking at the real ones.

Your POV
You've read the book cover to cover twenty times since you got to the Enchanted Forest. You even knew the words by heart and had the pictures memorized in your head. It was finally the day you were going to ask the apprentice if you could go out into the world.
"Hey I was thinking that maybe I could leave the cottage?" You asked nervously that night at dinner. It was a simple broth with chicken.
"Considering you've been reading that book a lot I'll consider it."
"Thank you so much."
"But you don't know that much magic."
"I know how to teleport between worlds."
"Yes, but remember how exhausted you were afterwards?" You remembered that night. You barely read the first page of the book before you fell asleep.
"Yes. Could you teach me?"
"No. My magical abilities are limited, but there are others that can help you. You already trained self combat so you should be good to go on your own to learn." This did sound good. You nodded and finished your broth and chicken.
The next morning you put on a new dress that was the same color as the clothes you wore when you trained with Peter. He would be happy seeing you doing your own thing. You checked your bag and saw that you still had the cuff he gave you. You grabbed a small satchel and put the cuff and spare change in it and set off to the nearest village. It was the same village as the one you landed in. Everyone was doing what they were doing before. You took this opportunity to walk through the market and look at all the different foods they had to offer. There was fresh vegetables that were the same as the ones back at the old world. It was like things here had been frozen in time and had magic with it. You enjoying things when everyone started packing up quickly out of fear.
"What's going on?" You asked one of the merchants you was packing is coach.
"The Queen is coming miss, you better hide while you got the chance." He finished packing and went away. You followed the crowd into the tavern. You hid behind the bar. You knew how awful the queen was. She killed half a village in a day and that was if she was in a good mood. You couldn't die this soon, you had to save Peter.
There was small boy sitting by you. He had brown curly hair and was crying. His father put him behind the bar and left probably to stop the queen.
"Hey, come here," you said to the boy opening your arms. He crawled into your lap and hugged you. You stroked his hair to calm down. All the sudden there was a loud bang of the door. The boy covered his ears. You held him closer.
"Everyone line up outside by order of the queen!" One of the guards yelled. Everyone panicked and ran out. You carried the boy in your arms as his small head laid on shoulder. He was still covering his ears to keep out the yelling of women and children. You lined up like the rest of the villagers. The queen was still in her coach that was as black as dream shade. One of the coachmen walked over and opened the door for the queen. She was wearing her usual battle dress. The coachman tried to help her down, but rejected the offer. She walked down the line the line of people looking them in the face.
"Who has seen Snow White? She was last seen in this village. Whoever tells me where she is will get a great reward," the queen shouted in the faces of the innocent people. You knew that Snow White was with Charming spending their days together at his castle before the curse came. The queen didn't know that though, she thought they were still running. Regina walked until she came to you.
"What are thinking about, girl?" She spat at your face.
"N-nothing ma'am," her presence made you shake.
"You know where Snow White is. Don't you?"
You started sweating. The boy you were holding was crying. "No I don't Your Majesty."
"Guards, take her." Two of the black knights came up to you and took the boy out of your arms and set him on the ground and took you to Regina's coach. Regina joined short after you were forced to go with.
"You seem like a special girl. I'll take you to my castle and you can tell me where Snow White is." She was smiling at you which was kind of freaky. "You are a very beautiful girl. You probably have boys asking for your hand every minute of the day."
"Oh, thank you, but I'm taken already."
"By whom?"
"You wouldn't know know him." It was Peter.
"How about I spruce you up for the next time you see your lover." This wasn't like Regina. Maybe she is changing or maybe she is just bored.
"That might not be necessary."
"I feel like it is. I want to do one good thing before we all have a curse on us and no one will get happy endings. Except me, I'll get mine." You help but laugh in your head. You knew that she would be miserable.
"Of course Your Majesty." She perked up a little bit at that comment.
"You are a real lady." She touched your knee and her eyes popped. "You have magic."
You panicked, "Why would I have magic?"
"Don't lie to me. I could feel your energy when I touched you and you have a great deal of magic wench. Are trying to kill me? Do work with Snow?"
"I do not work for Snow. She is a traitor."
"Then you're working with Rumple."
"I-I," before you could finish Regina stopped the carriage and put you into one of the cages that was behind the coach. It wasn't the same as Peter's and it had no sky filled with stars. Instead it had metal bars and dirt. You sat in the corner holding you knees to your chest trying to warm yourself from the cold.
You arrived at the castle after what felt like the whole and it was. The sun was setting and you started to nervous about the apprentice and what he would say.
The guards let you out and lead you to the dungeons. It was murky and smelt of dead rat. Your stomach roared for food. That last meal you had was a half rotten apple from the cottage. The black knight threw in the cold dungeon. He shut the door and left without saying a word. You tried to teleport, but it didn't work.
"Don't try your magic here, it's blocked and it will be until I find out what your doing here."
"Please let me go," you pleaded as she left. She ignored you like the rest of the prisoners that were most likely down here for the reason. So instead of hopelessly crying, you went to the back of the cell and leaned against the rock looking through the tiny hole that showed the slightest bit of the sky. It was the best part of the sky because you could see Neverland.

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