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As Zero snuck into the house using his phasing abilities, he kept thinking about how Five was back after all this time. He could have just waited, but no, he had to go and search for him on his own, and that didn't go well at all.

Five set down a wooden cutting board on the kitchen table before stepping away to get something as the family was in the kitchen watching. Zero hid in the shadows like he was trained to do and observed his family while the others glanced at each other before staring at Five in confusion and amazement.

"What's the date? The exact date?" Five asked, grabbing a bag of bread, a bag of marshmallows, and some peanut butter.

"The twenty-fourth," Vanya answered.

Five glanced at her in annoyance, "Of what?" He asked. "March." Vanya continued. Five looked relieved at that answer before saying, "Good."

"So, are we gonna talk about what just happened?" Luther asked the boy. Five remained silent as he took two pieces of bread out of the bag and placed them on the cutting board. Luther rolled his eyes before standing up, "It's been seventeen years." Luther told the boy.

Five scoffed at him and turned to look at his brother, "It's been a lot longer than that." Five told him as he disappeared before reappearing by the cabinets behind Luther.

"I haven't missed that," Luther muttered in annoyance.

"Where'd you go?" Diego asked.

"The future." Five replied as if it explained everything that had just happened. "It's shit, by the way." The boy continued, disappearing again before reappearing near the food.

"Called it!" Klaus exclaimed gleefully.

"I should've listened to the old man." Five said as he walked over to the fridge, "You know, jumping through space is one thing. Jumping through time is a toss of the dice." Five walked back over to where he was making his sandwich and paused as he looked up at Klaus. "Nice dress." He remarked.

Klaus smiled. "Oh, well, danke." He replied.

"Are you going to stand there all day, or are you going to say hello?" Five asked, staring at seemingly nothing.

"Who are you talking to?" Luther asked as a knife flew past his ear and sank into the wooden table in front of Five's sandwich. Everyone spun around to where the knife came from while Zero stepped out of the shadows and stood in front of his family.

"Now there's a little Number Zero! What is happening!?" Klaus exclaimed in shock while everyone except for Five stared at him in surprise.

"How are you here?" Allison asked, staring at the boy in astonishment.

"The same way little Five got back, time travel." He responded, walking to where Five was and getting his knife back before leaning against one of the counters.

"Wait, but how, you don't have Fives' powers." Luther said.

"It's a long and complicated story that I will not be telling you, so go on with whatever you guys were doing before Five made me so rudely interrupt." Everyone stared at him, knowing that they weren't going to get anywhere with him at the moment, so they turned their attention back to Five.

"Wait, how did you get back?" Vanya asked, turning the conversation back to Five.

"In the end, I had to project my consciousness forward into a suspended quantum state version of myself that exists across every possible instance of time." Five answered simply while everyone except for Zero gave him blank looks.

"That makes no sense," Diego muttered.

"Well, it would if you were smarter." Zero told him.

Diego turned to look at the boy and began to stand up while muttering, "You little shit." Luther held his arm out, stopping Diego from punching him.

"How long were you there?" Vanya asked.

"Forty-five years. Give or take." Five responded, causing everyone to fall silent.

"What about you, Zero? How long were you gone?" Vanya asked, looking at the blonde.

"I lost count a long time ago." He answered somberly, making everyone fall silent.

"So what are you two saying? That Five is fifty-eight and Zero's who knows how old?" Luther asked.

"No. Our consciousness is older, but apparently, our bodies are thirteen and fifteen again." Five muttered as he finished making his sandwich.

"Wait, how does that even work?" Vanya asked.

"Delores kept saying the equations were off, and as for Zero, I don't know the same thing might have happened." Five said before he and Zero both shrugged as Five took a bite of his sandwich, "Bet she's laughing now."

"Delores? Whose Delores?" Vanya asked.

Five glanced at her, but then his eyes caught sight of the newspaper on the table. "Hmm. Guess I missed the funeral." Five said.

"How'd you know about that?" Luther asked.

Both Five and Zero looked at Luther as if he were an idiot, "What part of the future do you not understand?" Five asked sarcastically. Five looked back down at the newspaper, "Heart failure, huh?" He asked.

"Yeah." Diego said at the same time as Luther said, "No."

Five clicked his tongue before turning to walk out of the room while Zero followed behind him, "Nice to see nothings changed," He said.

"Uh, that's it? So that's all you two have to say?" Allison asked as the boys walked out of the room.

"What else is there to say? The circle of life." Five said, walking out of the room as everyone stared after the two boys.

"Well... that was interesting." Luther said with a slight nod.


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