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Sometime later, the two boys ended up in Vanya's apartment. Why they were there? Zero had no idea; all he knew was that they were waiting for their sister in the darkness of her apartment. Why in the dark? Well, because Five was a dramatic little shit.

Zero had so many questions for his brother that he knew would never be answered, and maybe that was for the best.

Zero didn't know how long they sat around waiting for Vanya before the jingle of keys could be heard on the other side of her front door. "Jesus!" Vanya exclaimed in fright as Five turned on the floor lamp without warning after letting her walk in.

"You should have locks on your windows." Five said casually.

"I live on the second floor." Vanya stated in disbelief as her eyes moved from Five to Zero.

"Rapists can climb," Zero said to her with a tilt of his head and an innocent shrug of his shoulders. They hadn't actually used the window to get into her apartment, it was only the first thing Five had noticed and stated. They had actually used Zero's phasing abilities to walk through the door, much to Five's discomfort.

"You guys are so weird." The woman stated as she closed the door, making sure to lock it, not wanting any more uninvited guests.

"Is that blood." Vanya asked, taking a closer look at Five's sleeve. Zero had tried treating him, but the boy was as stubborn as their father had been. "It's nothing." Five told her, covering his arm from view.

"Why are you here?" Vanya asked, still confused as to why the boys were in her apartment. Zero shrugged, he honestly didn't know Five had dragged him along for the ride, and the blonde was only going along with it.

Five sighed before answering, "I've decided that you two are the only ones I can trust."

"Why us?" She asked, giving the boy a look.

"Because you're ordinary, and Zero knows how to take things seriously." Five said, causing Zero to shoot a glare at the boy.

"Because you listen." Zero reassured her.

"Okay." Vanya said, getting up to her feet and walking away.

When Vanya returned with first aid supplies, she sat down and started cleaning Fives' wound. "When I jumped forward and got stuck in the future, do you know what I found?" Five asked subtly.

"No," She answered

"Nothing." He told her, "Absolutely nothing." Vanya took in his words, a bit confused. "As far as I could tell, I was the last person left alive." Five continued.

Zero sat down on the floor in silence. He had already heard about what Five had gone through in the apocalypse, and he was sure that the boy had had it much worse than Zero did when he traveled through time.

"I never figured out what killed the human race, but I did find something else. The date it happens." He told her.

"The world ends in eight days, and I have no idea how to stop it."

Number Zero- The Umbrella Academy (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now