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Zero's eyes fluttered open, causing him to jump in surprise as he realized he had fallen asleep sometime during the night. The boy had to admit that he hadn't slept that well in a long time, even if he had fallen asleep on the floor against the wall.

As he got up, Zero cracked his neck and knuckles, relieving the stiffness he felt. Moving around his room and changed into a new pair of clothes, Zero caught the sound of voices outside his room. Letting out one last yawn, Zero opened his door to see Pogo standing next to Five's bed from across his room. Curious, the boy walked over to the doorway and leaned against its frame with his head slightly tilted to the side.

"What the hell are you doing?" Zero questioned as he watched Luther rummaging through Five's things. Luther looked over at him in surprise before looking back at Five's desk.

"Searching," He said as if he were talking to a child, which made Zero glare at the man. "I need to find any information that will help find him." Luther continued as he turned to look at Zero, "Do you know where he is?"

"No. I haven't seen him since yesterday." The blonde responded, twisting the ring on his finger as he thought about where the boy could be if he hadn't come home.

Pogo looked at the two before letting out a sigh. "Like I said, Mr. Luther. Number Five hasn't lived in this room since he was a young boy." Pogo spoke.

"Yeah, I know, but we need to warn him. He doesn't even know we were attacked." Luther pointed out, "He doesn't know they're looking for him."

Zero let out an amused chuckle. He knew that Five was well aware of the people hunting him down. Zero pushed himself off the door frame and decided he was probably the only one who could find the boy quickly, but he decided to let Luther do it instead, knowing the man would find him in due time.

Luther turned back to Zero and opened his mouth to tell him about what had happened to their mother, but was surprised when he noticed the boy had disappeared.


Making his way through the house, Zero ensured all his remaining siblings were accounted for. And they all were until he came across Klaus' room, noting that the man wasn't there at first Zero had concluded that Klaus had gone out to get high, but he soon realized it wasn't the case.

As the blonde searched his brother's room, he had found multiple things starting with four joints filled with weed and ending with a small baggie filled with white powder that Zero assumed was cocaine or something of the sort. It was safe to say that Zero was traumatized by the room's contents. He wanted nothing more than to never step foot in that room again.

The boy was more than happy to get out of the room and made his way to the restroom in search of any more clues. Zero looked down at the filled bathtub. Putting a hand in, he felt as the icy cold water stabbed at his skin.

"La naiba." The blonde muttered angrily. Zero stalked out of the room, deciding that he would look for their brother before anyone began to worry about his whereabouts.

Zero had stalked out into the hallway and jumped out the hall window, landing expertly on the ground. For once, Zero was glad that Luther had decided to do something productive, giving him a chance to search for Klaus while the man looked for Five.

After a few hours, Zero's search for his missing brother wasn't going as he expected. He had even checked every alleyway he came across in case Klaus had really gone off to get drunk or high, but that wasn't the case.

He thought about what had happened the night before and how Klaus had been missing since then. At that moment, Zero realized that Klaus had been taken by the intruders, and no one had even realized it. Zero felt guilt seeping inside him; he had let this happen. If only he had killed them, Klaus would have been safe at home or actually high in some alley.

Zero muttered a curse under his breath before walking away from where he was to start a new search.

Somehow the boy had ended up near the van that he and Five had been in the other day. As he walked closer, he saw there was writing on the windshield. Zero stood in front of the van and looked at the message with wide eyes.


And under it was a paper with a motel's name. Zero angrily snatched the piece of paper from the windshield.

Now that it was confirmed, different scenarios went through Zero's mind as he remembered all the times he had taken people hostage, to get information and the various ways he had made them talk.

He thought about Klaus and how the man was not in the best physical shape to take on two trained time-traveling assassins. The boy wasn't going to stop until he found his brother and brought him back home safely.

Walking toward the street, Zero quickly hailed a taxi and told him where to go while planning everything he would do to the people who had taken his brother.


La naiba- Damn it

Zero speaks Romanian because he was originally from Romania before Reginald found him. My headcanon is that Reginald made sure that all the kids knew how to speak the languages of the places they were born.

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