Chapter 2- Classes and Cookies

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I was sitting in the back in Remedial Goodness class. I didn't really need to take it anymore. I had learned well not to prank another one of the lost boys, but I still found this class entertaining.

"You find a crying baby. Do you a, curse it? B, lock it in a tower? C, give it a bottle? Or d, carve out its heart?" Fairy Godmother asked.

Evie raised her hand eagerly. "Evie?"

"What was the second one?" she asked.

"Oh, okay. Anyone else?" Fairy Godmother asked. "Mal?"

Mal looked up from her paper. "C, give it a bottle."

"Correct. Again." Fairy Godmother smiled.

"You are on fire, girl," Carlos said, impressed.

"Just picked the one that doesn't sound like any fun," Mal explained.

Jane squeaked as she walked past the row. I rolled my eyes. She shouldn't be so afraid of them. They wouldn't hurt us. They certainly wouldn't hurt me.

"Hello, dear one," Fairy Godmother greeted her daughter.

"You need to sign off on an early dismissal for the coronation," Jane mumbled.

"Everyone here remembers my daughter, Jane."

"Mom!" Jane breathed.

"It's okay. Jane, this is everyone," Fairy Godmother said.

"Hi," Jane said awkwardly. "That's okay. Don't mind me. As you were." She squealed again as she walked toward me.

She knew I was following her down the hall on the ceiling. "Jane, they are harmless."

"One of them is the daughter of the most evil villain of all time," Jane said in disbelief.

"My father is also the villain from most people's point of view. Doesn't mean they're bad."


"Hey, guys," I greeted as I walked into the kitchen. "Late-night snack?"

"Yeah." Mal smiled.

I took a spoon from the drawers and dipped it in, taking a little bite. I was worried when they looked at me in panic. "What? I swear I'm not allergic to anything."

"Do you feel... anything?" Evie asked.

"Yeah. Like maybe it must be missing something?" Mal agreed.

Jay walked over to me and leaned against a bar. "Hey there."

I looked at him, confused, and waved. "That tastes a lot like cookie dough batter, so here." I got some chocolate chips out of the fridge.

"What are those?" Mal asked as I poured them in.

"Chocolate chips." I sat on top of a counter and ate one that I stole from the bowl. "I learned how to make chocolate chip cookies when I was seven. The Lost children love them. You know?"

"No. We've never had anything like that," Carlos said.

A soft look filled my eyes. "I'll help you get those in the oven, then I'll make my own." A tear actually fell out of my eye. I was surprised at how much they've missed out on.

Mal wiped the tear off my face and might have accidentally put it in the batter. "Yeah, sure. We definitely need the help."

I made my own with the help of the four. They talked to me about how the Isle was kind of similar to Neverland. Secluded, a lot of competition. An island full of people not wanted or that don't belong.

"Wow," was the first thing Carlos said when he took a bite of a warm cookie. "Wow. I want to eat all of these."

"My treat. These are for all of you," I said, smiling softly at the four.

"You can't be serious," Evie said in disbelief.

"I am," I replied.

"I can't believe I'm saying this to a princess, but thank you," Mal said, taking a small bite.

"I do not want to be grouped with those princesses, please. I am a Lost girl. That's the only thing I want to be known as," I said.

"Fine, Lost girl," Mal said, making me smile.

I stole another cookie and walked toward the door. "Good night."

"I swear, I'm going to eat all of these," I heard as I walked away for the night.

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