Chapter 4- Be Our Guest

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Ma cherie Mademoiselle,

It is with deepest pride and greatest pleasure

That we welcome you tonight

And now, we invite you to relax

Let us pull up a chair

As the dining room proudly presents

Your dinner!

Be our guest

Be our guest

Put our service to the test

Tie your napkin 'round your neck, cherie

And we'll provide the rest

Soup du jour

Hot hors d'oeuvres

Why, we only live to serve

Try the gray stuff

It's delicious!

Don't believe me?

Ask the dishes

They can sing, sing sing

They can dance dance dance

After all, Miss, this is France

And the dinner here is never second best

Go on, unfold your menu

Take a glance and then you'll

Be our guest

Oui, our guest

Be our guest

C'mon, yeah be our guest, guest guest

We tell jokes

I do tricks

With my fellow candlesticks

And it's all in perfect taste

That you can bet

Come on and lift your glass

You've won your own free pass

To be our guest

If you're stressed

It's fine dining we suggest

Be our guest

Be our guest

Be our guest

Be our guest

Be our guest

"Be our guest, ladies and gentlemen," I joked, walking over to the villain kids.

"Really pulling the Wendy Darling look, huh?" Mal asked.

"Yeah, well, it's either that, or look like a homeless man in rags with my father's style," I reasoned.

Mal and Evie snorted at my joke. They have seen me before in my father's style, and it looked... okay. It just needed a bit more flare that I needed to find.

I was walking with Magenta around the courtyard, greeting the kings and queens. A lot of them were here to talk to Ben about the new proclamation. They wanted to see if they could appeal to Ben with reason. But I knew Ben; once he sets his mind on something, he doesn't back out.


I looked over, startled. Queen Leah saw Mal. I flew over to Ben, staying by his side.

"Queen Leah, it's okay. Maleficent is still on the island. This is her daughter, Mal. Don't you remember my proclamation to give the new generation a chance?" Ben asked.

"A chance to what, Ben? Destroy us?" Queen Leah questioned. She turned to Fairy Godmother. "You remember, don't you? The poisoned apples. And the spells?! Spells. My daughter was raised by fairies because of your mother's curse. So her first words, her first steps. I missed it all!"

"I'm so sorr-"

"No way! Stay away from her!" Chad stopped her.

"Don't do this, Chad," Ben warned.

"What?" Chad questioned in disbelief. "They were raised by their parents, Ben. What do you think villains teach their kids, huh? Kindness? Fair play? No way, okay? Uh uh." He looked at Mal. "You stole another girl's boyfriend."

"Hey, hey," Ben said as I got angry.

He looked at Jay. "You enjoy hurting people." He finally looked at Evie. "You're nothing but a gold digger and a cheater."

"Shut your mouth, Chad," I said, wanting to punch him then and there.

"Mirror mirror in my hand, who's the biggest jerk in the land?" Evie pointed her mirror at Chad, showing his reflection.

He smacked the mirror away from him. Jay grabbed a hold of his collar. Chad was about to punch back when Magenta sprinkled sleeping dust on Chad. It would only last a few minutes, but the dust was barely used any more. I was surprised Magenta even had a vial of it in her bag.

"Come on, Mal," Evie said, grabbing her hand and running away.

"Magenta Bell," Fairy Godmother scolded.

"I helped, didn't I?" Magenta questioned. "Three, two, one..."

Chad shot up from the ground. My best friend and I flew to our dorms before we could hear any insults from the boy.

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