Chapter 10- It's Goin' Down

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I was standing on a post with Dude. The pirates saw the four before me. I smirked. Mal stood confidently in front of Uma.

"Finally!" Uma said, laughing and kicking her legs up excitedly.

Huh, let's get this party started

I swear I'm cold-hearted

There's no negotiation

I'm not here for debatin'

You need some motivation?

Just look at Ben's face

Then ask yourself how long you think I'll remain patient

I'll throw him overboard and let him swim with killer sharks

You either hand over the wand or he'll be ripped apart

Now, let's all just be smart

Although for you that must be hard

You'll get your wand

No one has to come to any harm

Don't try to intimidate

Your bark is much worse than your bite

Who's the baddest of them all?

I guess we're finding out tonight

Let's go, bring it on

Better give us what we want

It's the wand for the crown

If you don't, it's going down

Let's go, make your move

Peace or war, it's up to you

Give him up and do it now

If you don't, it's going down

We want the wand

Or else the king is gone

Your time is running out

You should really watch your mouth

Let's go, pound for pound

We're prepared to stand our ground

Put your swords up, put 'em up

It's going down

Oh, oh, oh, make the trade

Oh, oh, oh, or walk the plank

Oh, oh, oh, make the trade

Oh, oh, oh, or walk the plank

Ok, look, this is not a conversation

It's a do-or-die situation

If you don't give me back the king

I'll have no hesitation

I'll serve you right here

And I don't need a reservation

That way your whole pirate crew can have a demonstration

Release him now, and we can go our separate ways

Unless you wanna deal with me and the VKs

So that's your big speech, huh?

An empty ultimatum?

All it takes is one swing and I'll humiliate him

Matter of fact, make one wrong move and I'll debilitate him

And if he even starts to slip, I'll eliminate him

All it takes is one long look and I'll

Harry! We get it, chill

Let's go, bring it on

Better give us what we want

It's the wand for the crown

If you don't, it's going down

Let's go, make your move

Peace or war, it's up to you

Give him up and do it now

If you don't, it's going down

We want the wand

Or else the king is gone

Your time is running out

You should really watch your mouth

Let's go, pound for pound

We're prepared to stand our ground

Put your swords up, put 'em up

It's going down

Hey, we don't have to choose

We don't have to light the fuse

Mal, whatever you do, it's gonna be a lose-lose

There's gotta be a better way

Uma, I promise I'll give you your chance

You'll have your say

Silly king! You? Give me?

You're gonna give me a chance?

Well, not a chance

Oh, oh, oh, make the trade

Oh, oh, oh, or walk the plank

Oh, oh, oh, make the trade

Oh, oh, oh, or walk the plank

"Hold on. Too easy," Uma said, stopping Mal. "Why don't you give it a test drive? We want to see it work."

Mal smiled. "You always were quite the drama queen."

"Oh, and nothing too big, or else Ben is fish bait," Uma added.

"Okay." Mal walked over to the platform where Dude and I were. "Although it seems absurd, turn your bark into a word." Mal waited a moment. "Talk, dog."

"Does this vest make me look fat?" Dude asked, making my eyes widen. "Does anyone have some bacon? Cookies?"

"Give me the wand!" Uma growled.

"Give me Ben!" Mal demanded.

"Harry, bring him over," Uma said.

Harry made Ben kneel in front of Mal. I got a handful ready. The two held out hands. "Cut him loose, Harry."

"I never get to have any fun," Harry mumbled as he swiped his sword to cut the rope.

Mal grabbed Ben's hand. Uma grabbed the wand. The two made the trade-off. Uma and her crew cheered, thinking they won.

"By the power of the sea, tear it down and set us free!" Uma exclaimed.

She realized what we did. "No!" Uma snapped the wand in two. "You do not get to win every time."

The group grabbed swords as Carlos shot smoke bombs. I threw pixie dust, making a cloud of black explode on the deck. I flew down, getting another handful ready. Lonnie tossed me a sword as I realized someone was going after me. I quickly swiped their feet and pushed them overboard.

As weird as a cliche could be, Harry came up to me just as I found my grip on the handle. Our swords clashed, making goosebumps on my arms from the sound.

"You're a feisty one, aren't ye, lass?" Harry asked.

I ignored him. "And beautiful, not to mention," he whispered directly in my ear.

I shivered and kicked the sword out of his hand just as a purple bomb went off. I knew the cue and tossed some in Harry's face. Red caught him off guard. Ben grabbed my arm and led me through the tunnel. I lifted my feet off the ground, waiting for them to open the barrier.

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